GrantConnect is the Australian Government's whole-of-government, centralised, web-based grant information system. All non-corporate Commonwealth entities, including the ARC, must publish on GrantConnect to meet requirements under the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines. GrantConnect is the authoritative source of information in relation to Australian Government Grant Opportunities and Grant Guidelines, including for all schemes under the NCGP. Further information can be found on the GrantConnect website, www.grants.gov.au.

Information on grants awarded by the ARC during the period 2018–19 is available on the ARC website, www.arc.gov.au > Grants > Grant Outcomes. The ARC also provides access to NCGP data through ARC Grants Search, which forms part of the agency's Data Portal, www.arc.gov.au > Grants > Grants Dataset.

From 1994 Australian Government departments and agencies reported on their performance as policy adviser, purchaser, employer, regulator and provider under the Commonwealth Disability Strategy. In 2007–08 reporting on the employer role was transferred to the APSC's State of the Service reports and the APS Statistical Bulletin. These reports are available on the APSC website, www.apsc.gov.au > Media and Events > Publications > Archived. From 2010–11 entities have not been required to report on these functions.

The Commonwealth Disability Strategy has been replaced by the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020, which sets out a 10-year national policy framework to improve the lives of people with disability, promote participation and create a more inclusive society. A high-level, two-yearly report will track progress against each of the six outcome areas of the strategy and present a picture of how people with disability are faring. The Progress Report to the Council of Australian Governments 2016 can be found at the Department of Social Services website, www.dss.gov.au > Our Responsibilities > Disability and Carers > Supporting People With Disability > Resources.

Web versions of the ARC Annual Report 2018–19 are conformant with WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility requirements.

Entities subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 are required to publish information for the public as part of the Information Publication Scheme (IPS). In compliance with Part II of the FOI Act, information relating to the IPS is published on the ARC website, www.arc.gov.au > About > Privacy and Information > Information Publication Scheme.

No significant errors have been identified within the ARC Annual Report 2017–18. There has been a restatement of prior year balances in the Financial Statements (see note 3.6).