ARC College of Experts
To support the advancement of knowledge and contribute to national innovation, the ARC College of Experts plays a key role in identifying research excellence. Its members are experts of international standing drawn from the Australian research community which includes higher education, industry and public sector research organisations.
The ARC seeks nominations from suitably qualified and experienced individuals, including senior academics and end-users across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, with peer review and research leadership experience.
The ARC Board is responsible for appointing members to the ARC College of Experts.
ARC College of Experts nominations are called for annually. The ARC appoints the College members for a term of three years.
The College of Experts assists the ARC by:
- assigning external assessors
- assessing and ranking ARC grant applications that have been submitted under the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP)
- moderating external assessments
- providing recommendations for fundable applications
- assisting with recruiting through the nomination of new assessors
- providing advice for peer review reforms, and
- providing strategic advice to the ARC on emerging disciplines and cross-disciplinary developments.
The ARC is required to maintain a high standard of professionalism and ethical conduct in its operations. The ARC Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy is designed to ensure that all members of the ARC College of Experts are aware of the confidentiality obligations associated with activities and that conflicts of interest are identified and addressed in a rigorous and transparent way. The ARC requires members of the ARC College of Experts to provide assurances to the ARC that they will abide by the ARC's confidentiality requirements and will disclose to it any conflicts of interest related to their official duties as members.
ARC College of Experts Nominations for 2026 are now open
The ARC is seeking nominations from suitably qualified and experienced individuals, including senior academics and end-users across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, with peer review and research leadership experience. Researchers with multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary expertise are strongly encouraged to apply. We especially welcome nominations from women, particularly those from the STEM disciplines, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Nominees should have strong institutional support to meet the commitment required of ARC College of Experts members.
The ARC is committed to improving the diversity of membership on the ARC College of Experts and encourages qualified people from a broad range of groups to nominate. This includes but is not limited to:
Gender diversity
People of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin
Academia, Industry and Public sector organisations
Areas of Interest
The ARC is calling for nominations for all discipline fields but has identified the discipline areas listed below as priorities for 2026. High priority discipline areas are shown in bold text in the below table.
3004 Crop and pasture production | 4405 Gender studies |
3009 Veterinary sciences | 4406 Human geography |
3101 Biochemistry and cell biology | 4407 Policy and administration |
3102 Bioinformatics and computational biology | 4408 Political science |
3103 Ecology | 4410 Sociology |
3104 Evolutionary biology | 4501 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history |
3105 Genetics | 4502 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education |
3107 Microbiology | 4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing |
3108 Plant biology | 4505 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community |
3109 Zoology | 4507 Te ahurea, reo me te hitori o te Maori (Maori culture, language and history) |
3204 Immunology | 4508 Matauranga Maori (Maori education) |
3209 Neurosciences | 4510 Te hauora me te oranga o te Maori (Maori health and wellbeing) |
3301 Architecture | 4511 Nga tangata, te porihanga me nga hapori o te Maori (Maori peoples, society and community) |
3303 Design | 4513 Pacific Peoples culture, language and history |
3304 Urban and regional planning | 4514 Pacific Peoples education |
3402 Inorganic chemistry | 4516 Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing |
3403 Macromolecular and materials chemistry | 4518 Pacific Peoples society and community |
3406 Physical chemistry | 4519 Other Indigenous data, methodologies and global Indigenous studies |
3407 Theoretical and computational chemistry | 4599 Other indigenous studies |
3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour | 4602 Artificial intelligence |
3509 Transportation, logistics and supply chains | 4603 Computer vision and multimedia computation |
3603 Music | 4604 Cybersecurity and privacy |
3703 Geochemistry | 4605 Data management and data science |
3704 Geoinformatics | 4608 Human-centred computing |
3705 Geology | 4611 Machine learning |
3706 Geophysics | 4701 Communication and media studies |
3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience | 4704 Linguistics |
3801 Applied economics | 4705 Literary studies |
4003 Biomedical engineering | 4902 Mathematical physics |
4004 Chemical engineering | 4903 Numerical and computational mathematics |
4005 Civil engineering | 4904 Pure mathematics |
4006 Communications engineering | 4905 Statistics |
4008 Electrical engineering | 5001 Applied ethics |
4009 Electronics, sensors and digital hardware - new code | 5002 History and philosophy of specific fields |
4011 Environmental engineering | 5003 Philosophy |
4012 Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering | 5101 Astronomical sciences |
4014 Manufacturing engineering | 5102 Atomic, molecular and optical physics |
4016 Materials engineering | 5104 Condensed matter physics |
4017 Mechanical engineering | 5107 Particle and high energy physics |
4018 Nanotechnology | 5108 Quantum physics |
4019 Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | 5110 Synchrotrons and accelerators |
4106 Soil sciences | 5201 Applied and developmental psychology |
4203 Health services and systems | 5202 Biological psychology |
4207 Sports science and exercise | 5203 Clinical and health psychology |
4402 Criminology | 5204 Cognitive and computational psychology |
4404 Development studies | 5205 Social and personality psychology |
| 5299 Other psychology |
Important Dates
Activity | Date |
Nominations Open | Monday 3 March 2025 |
Nominations Close | Thursday 17 April 2025 |
- The Nomination Form is available in RMS
- ARC College of Experts 2026 Nomination Kit – Word Format (297KB) PDF Format (363KB)
- Instructions to Applicants – Word Format (192KB) PDF Format (377KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions – Word Format (83KB) PDF Format (159KB)
- Sample Form – PDF Format (523KB)
Nominations must be certified by the nominee’s primary employer (for a list of approved nominators or delegates, see the table below) and submitted in RMS no later than 5pm (AEST), Thursday 17 April 2025.
Nominations will not be accepted directly from nominees, except those submitting as self-employed.
Nominees who hold an honorary or adjunct appointment with a higher education institution are eligible to apply through that institution.
Approved nominators:
Primary Employer | Approved Nominators |
Higher education institution | Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or equivalent |
Industry or business | Chief Executive Officer or equivalent |
Government | Agency Head / Deputy Secretary or equivalent |
Self-employed | Self-nominate |
Please contact the ARC at with any queries.
It is anticipated that outcomes will be announced in September/October 2025.
ARC College of Experts 2025
A complete list of the ARC College of Experts membership can be found below.
There are currently 374 members on the ARC College of Experts.
Selection meeting panels will be drawn from the ARC College of Experts as necessary.
ARC College of Experts members
(*indicates a new member in 2025)
- Professor Amin Abbosh The University of Queensland
- Professor Igor Aharonovich University of Technology Sydney
- Associate Professor Emma Aisbett The Australian National University
- Associate Professor Morten Andersen Macquarie University*
- Professor Barton Anderson The University of Sydney
- Professor Peter Anderson Griffith University*
- Professor Gunther Andersson Flinders University
- Professor Mats Andersson Flinders University
- Professor Nigel Andrew Southern Cross University
- Professor Benjamin Andrews The Australian National University*
- Professor Mikhail Anufriev University of Technology
- Professor Jayashree Arcot The University of New South Wales
- Professor Maziar Arjomandi The University of Adelaide
- Dr John Atack Griffith University*
- Associate Professor Brett Baker The University of Melbourne*
- Professor Sarah Baker Griffith University
- Professor Jie Bao The University of New South Wales
- Professor Katie Barclay The University of Adelaide
- Professor Colin Barrow Deakin University
- Professor Georgina Barton University of Southern Queensland*
- Professor Andrew Bassom University of Tasmania
- Professor Saba Bebawi Western Sydney University
- Professor Travis Beddoe La Trobe University
- Professor Alison Behie The Australian National University*
- Professor Nicole Bell The University of Melbourne*
- Professor Sarah Bell The University of Melbourne
- Professor Gabrielle Belz The University of Queensland
- Professor Bindi Bennett Federation University Australia
- Professor Christopher Berndt Swinburne University of Technology
- Associate Professor Jonathon Beves The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Michael Bird James Cook University
- Professor David Bishop Victoria University
- Professor Colette Boskovic The University of Melbourne*
- Professor Cyrille Boyer The University of New South Wales
- Professor David Bright Deakin University
- Professor Alexander Broom The University of Sydney
- Professor Lisa Brophy La Trobe University*
- Professor Paula Brough Griffith University
- Professor Scott Brown The University of Newcastle*
- Professor Katherine Buchanan Deakin University
- Emeritus Professor Deborah Bunker The University of Sydney*
- Professor Paulomi (Polly) Burey University of Southern Queensland
- Professor Mark Byron The University of Sydney
- Professor Graziella Caprarelli University of Southern Queensland
- Associate Professor Nicholas Carah The University of Queensland
- Professor Michael Champion Australian Catholic University*
- Professor Tommy Chan Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Rona Chandrawati The University of New South Wales
- Professor Millicent Chang University of Wollongong
- Professor David Chapple Monash University*
- Professor Ling Chen University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Zhong-Hua Chen Western Sydney University*
- Professor Kapil Chousalkar The University of Adelaide*
- Dr Christofer Clemente University of the Sunshine Coast
- Professor Rachel Codd The University of Sydney*
- Professor Catharine Coleborne The University of Newcastle
- Professor Alex Collie Monash University
- Professor Iain Collings Macquarie University*
- Professor Alan Collins The University of Adelaide
- Professor Kyllie Cripps Monash University
- Professor Brenda Croft The Australian National University
- Professor Scott Croom The University of Sydney*
- Professor Darren Croton Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Scott Cummins University of the Sunshine Coast
- Associate Professor Elisabete da Cunha The University of Western Australia
- Professor Bruno David Monash University
- Professor Jan de Gier The University of Melbourne
- Dr Michael de Percy University of Canberra
- Professor Paulo de Souza Junior Edith Cowan University
- Professor Timothy Denham The Australian National University
- Professor Maggie Chuoyan Dong The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Mirella Dottori University of Wollongong
- Professor Mark Dras Macquarie University*
- Associate Professor Georgina Drew The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Robin Drogemuller Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Christopher Drovandi Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Aijun Du Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Haping Du University of Wollongong
- Professor Uwe Dulleck University of Canberra
- Professor Xuan Thinh Duong Macquarie University
- Professor Jason Dutton La Trobe University
- Professor Ullrich Ecker The University of Western Australia
- Professor David Edwards The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Robert Edwards Flinders University
- Professor Mark Elgar The University of Melbourne
- Professor Nisvan Erkal The University of Melbourne
- Professor Paola Escudero Western Sydney University*
- Professor Nir Eynon Monash University
- Professor Eduardo Eyras The Australian National University
- Professor Simon Farrell The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Tanya Fitzgerald The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Matthew Fitzpatrick Flinders University
- Dr James Flexner The University of Sydney*
- Professor Stephen Foley Macquarie University
- Associate Professor Damien Fordham The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Marcus Foth Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Adrian Franklin
- Professor Bronwyn Fredericks The University of Queensland
- Professor Marylène Gagné Curtin University*
- Professor Philip Gale University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Alan Gamlen The Australian National University
- Professor Tamás (Tom) Gedeon Curtin University
- Associate Professor Stephanie Gilbert The University of Queensland
- Professor Matthew Gilliham The University of Adelaide
- Professor Gerard Goggin Western Sydney University
- Professor David Goodman The University of Sydney
- Professor Helena Grehan Edith Cowan University*
- Professor Frank Grutzner The University of Adelaide
- Professor Ning Gu University of South Australia
- Professor Hong Guan Griffith University
- Professor Susanna Guatelli University of Wollongong
- Professor Fei Guo Macquarie University
- Professor Jianhua Guo The University of Queensland
- Professor Wenshan Guo University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Darren Halpin The Australian National University
- Professor Hugh Harris The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Mark Harris Curtin University
- Associate Professor Karl Hassan The University of Newcastle*
- Professor Michael Haugh The University of Queensland*
- Associate Professor Sadie Heckenberg University of Tasmania
- Professor Alexander Heger Monash University
- Professor Begoña Heras La Trobe University
- Professor Larissa Hjorth RMIT University
- Professor Hinze Hogendoorn Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Katja Holtta-Otto The University of Melbourne
- Professor Steven Howard University of Wollongong
- Associate Professor Hui Hu Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Yuxia Hu The University of Western Australia
- Professor Jun Huang The University of Sydney
- Professor Xiaodong Huang Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Zi (Helen) Huang The University of Queensland
- Professor Thomas Huber The Australian National University*
- Professor Alfredo Huete University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Mark Hughes Southern Cross University
- Professor Terry Hughes
- Professor Dr Daniel Hutto University of Wollongong
- Professor Christopher Hyland University of Wollongong*
- Professor Marta Indulska The University of Queensland*
- Professor Joanne Ingold Australian Catholic University*
- Professor Michael Ireland The Australian National University
- Professor Marcel Jackson La Trobe University
- Professor Paul Jackson The University of Adelaide
- Professor Tanya Jakimow The Australian National University*
- Professor Harald Janovjak Flinders University*
- Associate Professor Guohua Jia Curtin University*
- Associate Professor Zhongfan Jia Flinders University
- Professor Yijiao Jiang Macquarie University
- Professor Yan Jiao The University of Adelaide
- Professor Sarah Johnson The University of Newcastle*
- Professor Tiffany Jones Macquarie University
- Dr Timothy Jones La Trobe University*
- Professor Omid Kavehei The University of Sydney
- Professor Stuart Kaye University of Wollongong
- Professor Allison Kealy Swinburne University of Technology*
- Associate Professor Ivan Kempson University of South Australia
- Professor Tristan Kennedy Monash University
- Associate Professor Damon Kent University of the Sunshine Coast
- Professor Nasser Khalili The University of New South Wales
- Professor Olivia Khoo Monash University
- Professor Matt King University of Tasmania*
- Professor Levente Kiss University of Southern Queensland
- Professor Fima Klebaner Monash University
- Professor Jayantha Kodikara Monash University*
- Associate Professor Shino Konishi The University of Western Australia*
- Professor George Koutsantonis The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Emma Kowal Deakin University*
- Professor Sharad Kumar University of South Australia*
- Professor Hamid Laga Murdoch University
- Associate Professor Girish Lakhwani The University of Sydney
- Associate Professor Shu Kee Lam The University of Melbourne*
- Emeritus Professor Martin Lambert The University of Adelaide
- Professor Jo Lampert Monash University*
- Professor Bradley Launikonis The University of Queensland
- Professor Bronwyn Laycock The University of Queensland
- Professor Elizabeth Leane University of Tasmania
- Professor Julie Lee The University of Western Australia
- Professor David Lewis Flinders University
- Professor Huijun Li University of Wollongong
- Associate Professor Jingliang Li Deakin University
- Professor Weihua Li University of Wollongong
- Professor Xiaodong Li RMIT University
- Professor Anthony Licata The Australian National University*
- Professor Timothy Lindsey The University of Melbourne
- Professor Dikai Liu University of Technology Sydney*
- Associate Professor Sonia Liu The University of Sydney*
- Professor Xia-Ji Liu Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Yun Liu The Australian National University
- Professor Zhe Liu The University of Melbourne
- Professor Samanthika Liyanapathirana Western Sydney University
- Professor Seng Loke Deakin University
- Professor Megan Lord The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Julien Louys Griffith University*
- Professor Heather Lovell University of Tasmania
- Professor Susan Luckman University of South Australia
- Professor Jun Ma University of South Australia
- Professor Qian Ma RMIT University
- Professor Tianyi Ma RMIT University*
- Professor Alexander Mackay University of Wollongong
- Professor Robert Mailhammer Western Sydney University*
- Professor Pushkar Maitra Monash University
- Professor Elena Marchetti Griffith University
- Professor Timothy Marjoribanks Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Dr Lina Markauskaite The University of Sydney
- Professor Christopher Marsden Monash University
- Professor Andrew Martin The University of Melbourne
- Professor Anthony Masters The University of Sydney
- Professor Jane Matthews Deakin University*
- Professor Hamish Maxwell-Stewart University of New England
- Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy The University of Queensland*
- Professor James McCoy The University of Newcastle*
- Professor Scott McCue Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Richard McDermid Macquarie University*
- Professor Duncan McDuie-Ra Monash University
- Associate Professor Simon McIlroy Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Gavan McNally The University of New South Wales
- Professor Saad Mekhilef Swinburne University of Technology
- Associate Professor Andrew Merchant The University of Sydney*
- Associate Professor Melissa Merritt The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Frederic Meunier The University of Queensland
- Emeritus Professor Richard Middleton The University of Newcastle
- Professor David Miller James Cook University
- Professor Catherine Mills Monash University
- Professor Paul Mills The University of Queensland
- Professor Budiman Minasny The University of Sydney
- Professor Michael Mintrom Monash University
- Professor Peta Mitchell Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Angela Moles The University of New South Wales
- Emeritus Professor Janet Mooney Australian Catholic University*
- Professor James Morley The University of Sydney
- Associate Professor Markus Muellner The University of Sydney
- Professor Ivan Nagelkerken The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Michael Negnevitsky University of Tasmania
- Professor Bronwen Neil Macquarie University
- Professor Alexander Newman The University of Melbourne
- Professor Tuan Ngo The University of Melbourne
- Professor Nam-Trung Nguyen Griffith University
- Professor Thuy (Kate) Nguyen RMIT University
- Professor Bing-Jie Ni The University of New South Wales
- Professor Adrienne Nicotra The Australian National University*
- Professor Mark Nielsen The University of Queensland
- Professor Karin Nordstrom Flinders University*
- Professor Melissa Nursey-Bray The University of Adelaide
- Professor Brian Oliver University of Technology Sydney*
- Professor Anthony O’Mullane Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Sarah O’Shea Charles Sturt University*
- Professor Gottfried Otting The Australian National University*
- Professor Maurice Pagnucco The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Stephen Palmisano University of Wollongong*
- Professor Anna Paradowska The University of Sydney
- Professor Sora Park University of Canberra
- Professor Christine Parker The University of Melbourne*
- Professor Helen Partridge Deakin University
- Professor Ekaterina Pas Monash University
- Professor John Paterson University of New England
- Professor Sonja Pedell Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Neal Peres Da Costa The University of Sydney
- Professor Michael Petraglia Griffith University*
- Professor Son Lam Phung University of Wollongong*
- Professor Maxine Piggott Charles Darwin University*
- Professor Michael Piper The University of Queensland
- Associate Professor Sally Plush University of South Australia
- Professor Roger Pocock Monash University
- Dr Kellie Pollard Charles Darwin University
- Professor Phillip Pope Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Emily Potter Deakin University*
- Professor Christopher Poulton University of Technology Sydney*
- Professor Jeff Powell Western Sydney University*
- Professor Malin Premaratne Monash University*
- Associate Professor Erin Price University of the Sunshine Coast
- Professor Gavin Prideaux Flinders University
- Professor Gwenaelle Proust The University of Sydney
- Professor Tara Pukala The University of Adelaide
- Professor Julia Quilter University of Wollongong
- Professor Colin Raston AO FFA Flinders University*
- Professor Zed Rengel The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Jack Reynolds Deakin University*
- Professor Jonathan Rhodes Queensland University of Technology*
- Professor Charles Rice University of Technology Sydney
- Associate Professor Amanda Ridley The University of Western Australia*
- Professor Amy Roberts Flinders University
- Professor Daniel Robinson The University of New South Wales
- Professor Alison Rodger The Australian National University
- Professor Bernard Rolfe Deakin University
- Professor Gideon Rosenbaum The University of Queensland
- Professor Andrew Rosser The University of Melbourne
- Professor Dong Ruan Swinburne University of Technology*
- Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele Griffith University*
- Professor Flora Salim The University of New South Wales
- Professor Paul Salmon University of the Sunshine Coast
- Professor Emilie Sauret Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Serkan Saydam The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Peter Scammells Monash University*
- Professor Marie Segrave Monash University
- Professor Jan Seidel The University of New South Wales
- Professor Cordelia Selomulya The University of New South Wales
- Professor Iman Shames The Australian National University
- Professor Luming Shen The University of Sydney
- Dr Shirley Shen, Defence Science and Technology Group
- Professor Michael Sherburn The Australian National University
- Professor Muhammad J. A. Shiddiky Charles Sturt University
- Professor Ho Kyong Shon University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Helen Skouteris Monash University
- Professor Jill Slay University of South Australia
- Associate Professor Craig Smith Monash University
- Professor Scott Smith The University of Adelaide*
- Associate Professor Georgy Sofronov Macquarie University*
- Professor Chongmin Song The University of New South Wales
- Professor Dragana Stanley Central Queensland University*
- Professor Wendy Steele RMIT University
- Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens The University of Queensland*
- Professor Rodney Stewart Griffith University*
- Professor Michael Stockenhuber The University of Newcastle
- Professor Natalie Stoianoff University of Technology Sydney
- Professor Kathryn Stok The University of Melbourne
- Professor Yvonne Stokes The University of Adelaide
- Professor Hongqi Sun The University of Western Australia
- Professor Willy Susilo University of Wollongong
- Associate Professor Katie Sutton The Australian National University*
- Professor Hang Ta Griffith University
- Professor Moses Tade Curtin University
- Professor Vivian Tam Western Sydney University*
- Professor Ying Tan The University of Melbourne
- Professor Zahir Tari RMIT University
- Professor Michael Tausz The University of Melbourne
- Professor Ngamta (Natalie) Thamwattana The University of Newcastle
- Professor Kevin Thomas The University of Queensland*
- Professor Stefan Thor The University of Queensland*
- Professor Susan Thorp The University of Sydney
- Professor Kristofer James Thurecht The University of Queensland
- Professor Yi-Chin Toh Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Adam Trevitt University of Wollongong
- Professor Antonio Tricoli The University of Sydney*
- Professor Jakelin Troy The University of Sydney
- Professor Myfany Turpin The University of Sydney
- Professor Beata Ujvari Deakin University
- Dr Janet van Eersel Macquarie University*
- Professor Laurene Vaughan RMIT University
- Professor Peter Veitch The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Jose Villadangos The University of Melbourne*
- Professor Emanuele Viterbo Monash University*
- Professor Sumeet Walia RMIT University
- Professor Sue Walker Southern Cross University
- Professor Matt Wand University of Technology Sydney*
- Professor Guoxiu Wang University of Technology Sydney*
- Professor Hua Wang Victoria University
- Professor Jingbo Wang The University of Western Australia
- Professor Lianzhou Wang The University of Queensland
- Professor Qilin Wang University of Technology Sydney*
- Professor Shaobin Wang The University of Adelaide
- Professor Alister Ward Deakin University
- Professor David Warton The University of New South Wales*
- Professor Michelle Watt The University of Melbourne
- Professor Michael Wenzel Flinders University
- Professor Andrea Whittaker Monash University*
- Associate Professor Steven Wiederman The University of Adelaide*
- Professor Raelene Wilding La Trobe University*
- Professor Kim Wilkins The University of Queensland
- Associate Professor Laura Wilson The Australian National University*
- Professor Withawat Withayachumnankul The University of Adelaide
- Professor Elaine Wong The University of Melbourne
- Professor Hongwei Wu Curtin University
- Professor Moe Wynn Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Yang Xiang Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Yusuke Yamauchi The University of Queensland
- Professor Jie Yang RMIT University*
- Professor Xiaoke Yi The University of Sydney*
- Professor Tan Yigitcanlar Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Haibo Yu University of Wollongong
- Professor Mehmet Yuce Monash University*
- Professor Yixia (Sarah) Zhang Western Sydney University
- Professor Xiwang Zhang The University of Queensland*
- Professor Zuduo Zheng The University of Queensland*
- Professor Yu Lin Zhong Griffith University*
- Professor Jun Zhou Griffith University