Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

2018 Assessor Data Report

2018 Summary Report: Detailed Assessors

  • Note 1: Data relates to assessments provided by Detailed Assessors of applications for funding commencing in 2018.
  • Note 2: ‘Detailed Assessors’ are assessors that are drawn from the Australian and international research community and are assigned applications to review for their specific expertise in a field of research. A Detailed Assessor completes in-depth assessments of applications by providing scores and comments against the grant opportunity specific assessment criteria. 
  • Note 3: 'Administering Organisation' is the organisation of the researcher as provided in the ARC Research Management System (RMS) person profile. This may not be the employing organisation.
  • Note 4: Publicly funded research agencies (PFRAs) included are CSIRO, Australian Antarctic Division, Australian Astronomical Observatory, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Defence Science and Technology Group and the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
  • Note 5: 'Other' relates to the assessors located at organisations other than ARC Eligible Organisations and PFRAs. The data includes more than 3900 detailed assessors (identified as current detailed assessors) who have no identified Australian organisation in the data warehouse.  They may be overseas assessors.
  • Note 6: The number of NCGP applications submitted by organisation for funding commencing in 2018 excludes applications submitted under Linkage Projects 2018.
  • Note 7: This information is a 'point in time' extraction. Since the extraction was conducted researchers may have moved to a different organisation
Administering OrganisationTotal number of researchers registered as ARC assessors in 2018Total number of applications for funding commencing in 2018 accepted for assessment by Detailed AssessorsTotal number of assessments of applications for funding commencing in 2018 submitted to the ARCTotal number of NCGP applications submitted by organisation for funding commencing in 2018
Australian Catholic University118928833
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies<5<5<5<5
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education6118<5
Bond University3699<5
Central Queensland University44413411
Charles Darwin University60504712
Charles Sturt University93797513
Curtin University417595575156
Deakin University374509485102
Edith Cowan University88626210
Federation University Australia5342425
Flinders University29531130085
Griffith University499569546112
James Cook University17815915231
La Trobe University314383372104
Macquarie University497714670179
Monash University113715201453469
Murdoch University15314814521
Queensland University of Technology513819794141
RMIT University420594537144
Southern Cross University57676424
Swinburne University of Technology22943340188
The Australian National University103113701319400
The University of Adelaide586778764206
The University of Melbourne136519081834488
The University of New England1251049626
The University of New South Wales149520271952527
The University of Newcastle379543510165
The University of Notre Dame Australia1166<5
The University of Queensland126419131829468
The University of Sydney118816511599408
The University of Western Australia713905859215
Torrens University<5<5<5<5
University of Canberra10915512920
University of Divinity6<5<5<5
University of South Australia26734733061
University of Southern Queensland64575616
University of Tasmania336459448120
University of Technology Sydney415611593170
University of the Sunshine Coast7112312016
University of Wollongong432705678155
Victoria University75989022
Western Sydney University31542039860
Publicly funded research agencies (Australian Government) (PFRAs)1618174n/a
Other (all other organisations)4020823769n/a




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