The System to Evaluate the Excellence of Research (SEER) supports the submission, evaluation, and administration workflows of ERA.
Eligible Australian higher education providers, ERA Reviewers (both Research Evaluation Committee members and Peer Reviewers), and the ARC have access to SEER.
All users and their institutions must have read and agreed to the SEER terms and conditions.
ERA Reviewers provided access to SEER by the ARC must comply with their contract terms agreed with the ARC. This includes the confidentiality and copyright provisions laid out in that document.
If you are logging in to SEER as an ARC-appointed ERA Reviewer, you, the SEER user, agree to:
- cease accessing SEER where your role as an ERA Reviewer no longer requires you to do soor requires you not to do so.
- comply with all relevant clauses in your contract with the ARC, specifically, those dealing with privacy, confidentiality, and copyright.
- ensure any data uploaded to SEER accords with the instructions, format or specifications advised by the ARC.
- notify the ARC if you are aware of, or believe there could reasonably be a perception of, a conflict of interest in you having access to any part of the data provided through SEER.
- notify the ARC if you are aware of, become aware of, or suspect any breach of these terms and conditions by any person.
The ARC reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and suspend or cancel access to SEER, where necessary.
SEER is made available to you as an ERA Reviewer, 'as is' and, to the extent permitted by law, without any representation or warranty of any kind. The ARC accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred by you, your institution or any other person in respect to or as a result of any matter arising from or directly or indirectly relating to your use of or participation or involvement with SEER.