Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2024-2025

In accordance with APSC Guidance for Agency Heads – Gifts and Benefits, the following relates to gifts/and or benefits received by ARC officials that exceed AU$100 (excluding GST) in value in the course of conducting their official business.

Quarter 2 - (Period 01 October - 31 December 2024)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)

Quarter 1 - (Period 01 July - 30 September 2024)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)
09.08.202414.08.2024Silk ScarfResearch Evaluation and Policy BranchMr. Tran Hong Thai Chairman of Vietnam's National Foundation for Science and Technology DevelopmentVietnam's Ministry of Science and Technology$100

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2019-2020

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2020-2021

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2021-2022

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2022-2023

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2023-2024

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