Research Data Management

The ARC is committed to maximising the benefits from funded research by ensuring greater access to our research data.
ARC data management requirement
Effective data management is an important part of ensuring open access to publicly funded research data. Data management planning from the beginning of a research project helps to outline how data will be collected, formatted, described, stored and shared throughout, and beyond, the project lifecycle.
Since February 2014, the ARC has required researchers to outline how they plan to manage research data arising from ARC-funded research. From 2020, this requirement forms part of the agreement for funding under the National Competitive Grants Program.
The requirement is consistent with the responsibilities outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018, which include the proper management of research data and primary materials by researchers, along with institutional policies addressing data ownership, storage, retention and “appropriate access…by the research community”.
The OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding (2007) also provide guidance on the management of data and primary materials. The ARC notes that Australia, as an OECD member, is expected (not legally bound) to implement these principles and guidelines.
The ARC’s requirement is designed to encourage researchers to consider the ways in which they can best manage, store, disseminate and reuse data. Researchers, in consultation with institutions, have a responsibility to consider the management and future potential of their research data, taking into account the particular approaches, standards and uses for data that may exist in different institutions, disciplines and research projects. Some institutions may have infrastructure and/or processes in place for storing, managing and sharing data – these are valuable resources that should be utilised.
The ARC does not require that full, detailed data management plans be submitted for assessment, but from 2020 will require that such plans are in place prior to the commencement of the project. Currently, the ARC does not mandate open access to data.
Further resources
A range of resources, including information and guides on the elements of data management and data management planning, can be found on the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) website. ARDC also offers assistance to institutions in relation to ARC and NHMRC data management requirements.