Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

2020 Laureate Profile: Professor Jochen Mueller

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Professor Jochen Mueller

Professor Jochen Mueller

Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland

Fellowship project summary: 

FL200100028: Despite many benefits associated with the use of chemicals, there is consensus that their accelerated production and use is increasingly affecting environmental health. Effective tools to understand spatiotemporal trends and factors that drive chemical exposure are urgently needed. This project aims to develop these tools by combining established programs in systematic sampling and archiving with advanced informatics and analytical techniques. The project expects to identify emerging chemicals of concern, assess factors that affect exposure and model exposure based on chemical production, use and fate. Outcomes will support evidence-based regulation and management of chemicals to minimise adverse impacts of chemical exposure in Australia. 

Australian Research Council funding: $ 2,854,682.00

About Professor Jochen Mueller

Professor Jochen Mueller’s research focusses on monitoring of trace organic pollutants, including pioneering work on sources, fate, monitoring techniques (e.g. development of passive sampling techniques) and trends in human exposure to trace contaminants. More recently his research group has been leading research in the field of wastewater epidemiology.

Professor Mueller was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship in 2012 to understand changes in chemical exposure through integrative sampling and systematic archiving. As part of his research, he has lead numerous national and international studies, such as Australia's National Dioxin Program, the Brominated Flame Retardant Program and a major study to investigate bush-fire emissions. He works closely with governments (state, federal and international including UNEP) on the development of systematic monitoring strategies, including for protection of the Great Barrier Reef. As part of his Future Fellowship, he has established an extensive sample archive, the Australian Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB), to allow retrospective analysis of changes in pollutant exposure in Australia.

Find out more about Professor Mueller’s research by visiting his profile page on The University of Queensland website

For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme page.

Image credit: The University of Queensland

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