2024 Laureate Profile: Professor Jeffrey Walker

Administering Organisation: Monash University
Fellowship Project Summary
FL240100083 - A near-space surveillance capability for natural disasters
Professor Walker aims to address a gap in natural disaster surveillance by progressing the scientific basis of a near-space monitoring capability using passive microwave imagery. This project will advance new knowledge for providing the soil and fuel moisture data needed by fire, flood and landslide risk prediction models, and in producing real-time information on the development and progression of floods and fires, and the risk of landslides. Such information is vital for emergency services in terms of public and first responder safety, and in the efficient tasking of ground and/or air assets used in managing the emergency response. Professor Walker’s research will help save Australian lives, improve community resilience, promote social stability and wellbeing, protect natural resources and reduce economic losses. This project will also build world class research capacity in this important cross-disciplinary area and train the next generation of young researchers and engineering leaders required for a safe and secure Australia.
Australian Research Council Funding: $3,418,000