2024 Laureate Profile: Professor Liza Lim

Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney
Fellowship Project Summary
FL240100053 - Multispecies Creativity and Climate Communication
Professor Lim aims to advance the role of the arts as the missing link in global movements of multispecies justice, using innovative musical approaches to communicate the urgency of climate change and lead social change. This project will investigate multispecies perception through music, producing new creative works, new technologies with potential applications for Australia’s burgeoning $115 billion-per-annum creative and cultural industries sector, and a unique training program in music with unprecedented access to international networks. Professor Lim’s research aligns with the National Cultural Policy “Revive” - it provides benefits to the nation by addressing three policy pillars: 1) providing skills training for First Nations researchers 2) paving the way for more sustainable career pathways in the arts, and 3) advancing Australia’s growing access to international markets by creating compelling experiences for people to access and respond to ecological ideas in ways that can provoke social change.
Australian Research Council Funding: $3,738,560