EI 2018: Mr Ned David, Yumi Education Services
Mr Ned David, Yumi Education Services
Mr Ned David is a Kulkalaig, a traditional owner from the Central Islands in the Torres Strait whose homeland Magan includes Tudu (Warrior Island), Iama (Yam Island) Gebarr (Gabba Island) Mucar (Cap Island) Sassie, (Sassie Island), Zagai (Long Island) the surrounding reefs of Wapa (Warrior reef) and Thidu (Dungeness reef). Mr David is the current Chair of several organisations in the Torres Strait that includes the Torres Strait Islanders Regional Education Council (TSIREC), the Magani Lagaugal Registered Native Title Body Corporate and the recently established Torres Strait Sea and Land Council Gur A Baradharaw Kod (GBK). Mr David has an extensive work history in both government and private sector. Mr David’s current role as the Director of Yumi Education Services involves working across all sectors and agencies to improve life opportunities for all students and young people in the Torres Strait.