2022 Laureate Profile: Professor Cyrille Boyer

Professor Cyrille Boyer

Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales
Fellowship Project Summary
FL220100016 – Light-Driven Manufacturing for (Re)Programmable Materials
This project uses visible light to create customised materials for 3D printing. Whereas traditional processes for producing polymers such as plastic and synthetics are complex and energy intensive, it is now possible to make these using light of different wavelengths. This not only improves the efficiency of the production process, but also creates a range of new materials capable of self-healing, thus extending their lifespan and use, for economic and environmental benefit. New forms of plastic will find use in the flexible electronics, automotive, smartphone, batteries, military, and aeronautics/aerospace industries. The technology will give Australian manufacturers a competitive advantage in the smart materials space. It will increase not only the productivity of advanced manufacturing and 3D printing (USD100Bn market by 2031), but also Australia’s capability in nano-manufacturing and high-performance materials. To translate this, this project will actively engage industries, including those with which the team has previous association.
Australian Research Council funding: $2,738,854
Find out more information about Professor Cyrille Boyer and their research areas of interest to date by visiting their profile page here: Professor Cyrille Boyer (unsw.edu.au)
For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships page.
Image credit: The University of New South Wales