Announcement of Grants - Mid-Career Industry Fellowships scheme
Announcement of Grants - Mid-Career Industry Fellowships scheme

Australian Research Council Chief Executive Officer, Ms Judi Zielke PSM, has announced grant outcomes under the Mid-Career Industry Fellowships scheme (IM23).
Project details are available from the ARC’s Funding Announcements page.
Further information is available in the Announcement Kit and on RMS Funding Announcement Information web page.
For information on how to access, view and accept Grant Offers and Grant Agreements in the Research Management System (RMS), please refer to the user guide RMS: How to use Grant Agreement functionality.
Grant Offers for this announcement must be accepted in RMS by 5:00pm (AEST) on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
As part of the announcement of the three Industry Fellowships Program schemes (Mid-Career Industry Fellowships, Early Career Industry Fellowships and Industry Laureate Fellowships), the ARC will provide unsuccessful applicants with extra feedback about their results.
Commencing with the Mid-Career Industry Fellowships scheme announcement, unsuccessful applicants will be able to access scores and assessments in the feedback tab of their application in RMS.
The closing date for appeals relating to this announcement is 5:00pm (AEST) on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
For information on how to access the outcomes of scheme rounds, please refer to RMS: How to view outcomes.
If you have any questions, please email or phone +61 2 6287 6600.