Now Open: Applications for Australian Laureate Fellowships 2023
Now Open: Applications for Australian Laureate Fellowships 2023

Applications for Australian Laureate Fellowships for funding commencing in 2023 are now open in the Research Management System (RMS) and will close at 5:00 pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 9 November 2022.
Key dates, including Important Dates, for this scheme are on the Grants Calendar available on the ARC website.
All documentation for the grant opportunity can be found on GrantConnect.
While the Grant Guidelines are available to view, you will need to register with GrantConnect to access all documentation. Please refer to the GrantConnect website.
If you have any questions, please email
Important notes:
ARC Pre Award Guidance for preparing applications: Responding to the impact of COVID-19
The ARC understands that it is a challenging time for researchers and research administrators preparing grant applications. To assist researchers planning applications for upcoming ARC National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) grant opportunities, we have published pre award guidance on the ARC website, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that relate to impacts of COVID-19.
New Researcher Profile questions in RMS:
Following the updated ARC Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy, new questions for researchers to disclose their material personal interests are now visible in each researcher’s profile in RMS. Completion of these new profile questions will be required by any researcher named in an application submitted for future NCGP grant opportunities. Information provided in response to these questions by a researcher named in an application will only be visible to the researcher, the ARC, and the Administering Organisation submitting that application. Responses will not be visible to other participants on the application or assessors that review the application. More information about these new questions and advice on how to respond is provided in the grant opportunity ‘Instructions to Applicants’, published on GrantConnect.
As RMS will prevent applications being submitted to the ARC if these new questions have not been completed by all participants, please allow adequate time to check that researcher profiles are complete.
Automated eligibility management in RMS
To assist applicants, eligibility checks are performed in RMS at various stages of the application submission process: whilst the form is being filled; on certification by the Administering Organisation; and at time of submission to the ARC.
Where RMS detects an eligibility issue, an application will not be able to proceed to the next submission stage in RMS.
While an application may pass eligibility checks when initially filled in, subsequent changes to RMS information may affect an individual’s eligibility.
As RMS will prevent applications with detected eligibility issues being submitted to the ARC, please allow adequate time to check and address any eligibility issues encountered at each stage of the application process.
The eligibility checking functions are not exhaustive and the ARC will undertake eligibility checking after close of submission. It remains the responsibility of the researchers and Research Offices to comply with the grant guidelines.