Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

Characterising quantum supremacy

Characterising quantum supremacy

a random quantum circuit

Full article issued by the University of Technology Sydney.

ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) Chief Investigator and ARC Future Fellow recipient, Professor Michael Bremner, has led a research group to make the first clear attempt to identify a benchmark at which quantum computing will surpass the capability of classical computers—known as quantum computational supremacy.

Professor Bremner said the line was difficult to define because the advantages offered by quantum computers can be subtle, with some calculations having no advantage over classical computers, while others are performed exponentially faster. The work is significant for the field of quantum computing as it provides both an improved theoretical understanding of the separation between quantum and classical computing and, importantly, sets new benchmarks for gauging the capabilities of prototype quantum processors.


Image Credit: UTS

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