2021 Laureate Profile: Professor Dayong Jin

Professor Dayong Jin
Administering Organisation: University of Technology Sydney
Fellowship project summary
FL210100180: Upconversion nanophotonic systems.
The photon upconversion process can produce visible light from lower-energy near-infrared incident light. This Laureate Program aims to address major bottlenecks in upconversion nanotechnology – the efficiency, stability and absorption bandwidth. Expected outcomes include new knowledge in the interface design of hybrid materials, a world-leading single-particle spectroscopy system, a new family of molecular probes, and novel super-resolution microscopy for functional imaging of subcellular organelles. This research offers exciting opportunities for single-molecule tracking, quantitative diagnostics, non-invasive imaging, bio-mechanical force measurement and thermometry; tools to observe the nanoscale world inside live cells.
Australian Research Council funding: $ 2,781,000
Find out more about Professor Jin and their research areas of interest to date by visiting their profile page on The University of Technology Sydney's website.
For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme page.
Image credit: The University of Technology Sydney