2021 Laureate Profile: Professor Kishan Dholakia

Professor Kishan Dholakia
Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide
Fellowship project summary
FL210100099: The Intelligent Microscope - novel optical imaging at depth.
While optical methods for imaging are used extensively, achieving wide-field imaging through scattering media with high resolution and depth is a major challenge, due mainly to the limited penetration depth of light. This proposal aims to transform wide-field optical imaging through a new ‘intelligent’ microscopy able to capture 3D volumetric images. Innovations in shaping light in both space and time will be combined in a holistic way with computational analysis to extract images from deep within the sample at extraordinary levels of detail. Major benefits of the research range from next-generation tools for enhanced discovery of biological and physical materials, to new Australian start-ups for new imaging and microscopy devices.
Australian Research Council funding: $ 3,401,828
Find out more about Professor Dholakia and their research areas of interest to date by visiting their profile page here.
For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme page.