2022 Laureate Profile: Professor Alexander Fornito

Professor Alexander Fornito

Administering Organisation: Monash University
Fellowship Project Summary
FL220100184 – Next-generation maps and models of the human brain
Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. It is essential to promote healthy development and ageing, and to better treat psychiatric and neurological disorders, which cost the Australian economy billions each year. Professor Fornito will contribute significantly to this endeavour by developing a new framework for understanding some of the fundamental mechanisms that shape human brain function and behaviour. The Laureate will also deliver new analysis tools for robustly mapping the human brain and for training the next generation of brain scientists. These analysis and training tools will be released as freely available software, ensuring widespread impact and adoption by diverse teams in both science and industry aiming to unlock the mysteries of the brain, to develop strategies for optimal development and ageing, and to ultimately discover new diagnostics and therapeutics for brain disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and autism.
Australian Research Council funding: $2,897,256
Find out more information about Professor Alexander Fornito and their research areas of interest to date by visiting their profile page here: Alex Fornito — Monash University
For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships page.
Image credit: Monash University