2022 Laureate Profile: Professor Lidia Morawska

Professor Lidia Morawska

Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology
Fellowship Project Summary
FL220100082 – My Air Space: The Science of Buildings that Make us Thrive
Poor air quality in modern buildings is a serious and neglected public health problem. Pre-COVID, indoor air pollution and excess respiratory infections-related health impacts cost the Australian economy more than $12Bn pa. This project aims to develop and deliver new methods for low-cost monitoring of pollutants in indoor air, real-time detection of airborne pathogens, and for overall optimization of indoor air for human health and well-being while lowering energy requirements. These capabilities are essential for developing Australian indoor air quality standards. The methods and standards will have extensive benefits for Australia. Modernisation of our buildings based on them will create a boon for Australian construction, maintenance and building technology industries. Social benefits will include improved general health, well-being and cognition for building occupants across Australia due to improved air quality. Tangible environmental benefits include improved air quality, reduced energy consumption and in turn emissions of pollutants associated with energy generation.
Australian Research Council funding: $3,450,896
Find out more information about Professor Lidia Morawska and their research areas of interest to date by visiting their profile page here: QUT - Academic profiles - Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska
For further information about this funding scheme, please visit the Australian Laureate Fellowships page.
Image credit: Queensland University of Technology