List of Photographs
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Front cover: Dr Richard Manasseh and a team of researchers at Swinburne University of Technology and the CSIRO are developing a new method for skimming milk using ultrasonic waves. The research could also allow precise selection of beneficial compounds from milk for nutritional and pharmaceutical products. Members of the research team and collaborators pictured from left to right are Jack Holman (a Yarra Valley Dairy cheesemaker), Dr Linda Johansson (a specialist in micro-fluidics at Swinburne), and Dr Tom Leong (recent PhD graduate at Swinburne specialising in ultrasonics). The project received three years of funding between 2011–13 under the ARC Linkage Projects scheme. |
Part 1: Professor Bill Griffin, from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems at Macquarie University and 2014 NSW Royal Society Clarke Medallist, in Tibet with the newly discovered deepest known rocks exposed at the Earth's surface. [Photo courtesy of Macquarie University] |
Chapter 1: Dr Kylie Catchpole, an ARC Future Fellow at The Australian National University, is making new types of solar cells. [Photo courtesy of Josephine McKeon] |
Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer |
Chapter 2: Dr Nathan English, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient from James Cook University, takes a metre-long wood core from a centuries-old kauri pine in Far North Queensland. The core provides a record of climate change, and when combined with other cores, may help climate researchers develop better models to forecast future climate changes in Queensland and northern Australia. [Photo courtesy of James Cook University] |
ARC executive staff: Professor Aidan Byrne, Chief Executive Officer; Ms Leanne Harvey, Executive General Manager; Dr Fiona Cameron, Executive Director, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology; Professor Marian Simms, Executive Director, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences; Professor Brian Yates, Executive Director, Engineering, Mathematics and Information Sciences; Dr Laura Dan, Branch Manager, Strategy Branch and Chief Programme Officer |
Part 2: Ms Tess Reynolds, PhD student at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, examining prototype laser equipment in preparation for use in biochemical sensing. The project is a part of the centre's work in developing state-of-the-art light-based sensing tools that can measure the inner workings of cells in the living body. [Photo courtesy of The University of Adelaide] |
Chapter 3: Professor Kerry Mengersen, an Australian Laureate Fellow at Queensland University of Technology, is using mathematics to help solve complex problems in the real world. Professor Mengersen was awarded a Discovery Projects grant in 2014 to use Bayesian statistics to describe and analyse data for Parkinson's Disease. [Photo courtesy of Queensland University of Technology] |
Discovery case study: 'Baxter' the robot with Professor Veena Sahajwalla and Year 9 students visiting the SMaRT Centre for the 2015 Power of Engineering Day at The University of New South Wales. Professor Sahajwalla was awarded a Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship in 2014. [Photo courtesy of Joanne Hallis] |
Discovery case study: Dr Bent Weber and Professor Michelle Simmons working to create the world's smallest transitors within the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Compution and Communication Technology at The University of New South Wales. [Photo courtesy of Grant Turner] |
Discovery case study: Road signs with Indigenous place names, part of Professor Len Collard's project to develop an online resource for Nyungar place names and their meanings. Professor Collard is based at The University of Western Australia. [Image courtesy of Len Collard] |
Discovery case study: Dr Scott Cummins, an ARC Future Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast, collecting marine field samples. Dr Cummins is an expert in animal chemical communication systems at the molecular level, particularly aquatic pheromone communication. [Image courtesy of Scott Cummins] |
Discovery case study: stock photo |
Discovery case study: Associate Professor Massimo Hilliard, an ARC Future Fellow at The University of Queensland, is examining axonal degeneration, a hallmark of neuronal injuries and some neurodegenerative diseases. [Image courtesy of The University of Queensland] |
Discovery case study: Dr Joelle Gergis, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient from The University of Melbourne, with William Dawes' original weather journal kept from the year 1788–1971. The Dawes diary is Australia's earliest meteorological record and is part of a Linkage Projects grant to document the weather experienced by Australia's early settlers. The data collected will be used to help predict future water scarcity and megadroughts in Australia. [Image courtesy of The University of Melbourne] |
Discovery case study: Dr Shahriar Hossain, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient from the University of Wollongong, is developing superconductor technologies for the next generation of offshore wind turbines. [Photo courtesy of Paul Jones] |
Discovery case study: stock photo |
Discovery case study: (i) Dr Adam Brumm, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient from Griffith University, conducting archaeological excavations at a rock art site in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, home to some of the world's oldest known cave paintings. [Photo courtesy of D. McGahan]; (ii) Hand stencils and modified outlines of human hands from a cave site in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia. These images were created by ice age inhabitants pressing their hands against the rock wall and spraying mouthfuls of paint around them, leaving behind a 'frozen moment in time'. [Photo courtesy of Y. Perston] |
Linkage case study: Professor Richard Arculus from The Australian National University is the lead investigator on a Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant supporting Australian membership in the International Ocean Discovery Program. [Photo courtesy of The Australian National University] |
Linkage case study: Micro supercapacitor devices. Part of work undertaken by Associate Professor Mainak Majumder and his team from Monash University in collaboration with Strategic Energy Resources Ltd, looking at uses for graphene materials. [Image courtesy of Derrek Lobo et al] |
Linkage case study: stock photo |
Linkage case study: Dr Barry Cayford, a PhD student at the Advanced Water Management Centre at The University of Queensland, working on the project. [Photo courtesy of Barry Cayford] |
Linkage case study: Captain Andrew Wegener (Liaison Officer, Provincial Reconstruction Team) on deployment in Afghanistan. [Photo courtesy of Andrew Wegener] |
Chapter 4: Professor Shari Forbes from the University of Technology, Sydney, investigating the decomposition process in the local Sydney environment. This research forms part of a collaborative project funded under the ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities scheme, incorporating academic, police and forensic partners to enhance the search and recovery methods used in mass disaster and forensic investigations. [Photo courtesy of Shari Forbes] |
Announcement of 2014 ARC Australian Laureate Fellows: from left (back row) Professor Alan Cooper, Professor Jonathan Bland-Hawthorn, Professor Michael Bird, Professor Aidan Byrne, Professor Ian Paulsen, Professor Peter Harrison, Professor Kate Smith Miles, (front row) Professor Peter Robinson, The Hon. Christopher Pyne MP, Professor Veena Sahajwalla, Professor Joy Damousi, Professor Rose Amal [Image courtesy of Russell Millard Photography] |
Announcement of 2014 ARC Australian Laureate Fellows: from left, Professor Veena Sahajwalla and Professor Alan Cooper spoke at the event. [Image courtesy of Russell Millard Photography] |
Chapter 5: Dr Scott Draper, PhD student Qin Zhang, and Professor David White examine the self-burial of seabed pipelines in The University of Western Australia's large O-tube flume. The ARC Research Hub for Offshore Floating Facilities will use O-tube flumes to understand the interaction between mooring systems and the seabed, to ensure that new and existing facilities remain safely tethered to the ocean floor. [Image courtesy of The University of Western Australia] |
The control room for the Science of Learning Classroom at The University of Melbourne. [Image courtesy of The University of Melbourne] |
Chapter 6: Students and staff in the Hands on Learning programme, partners in an ARC Linkage project titled Building Futures for Young Australians at Risk at Mt Eliza Secondary College. The project has produced a public web resource designed to support the development of a community of practice which provides a shared measurement framework for organisations that keep marginalised young people connected to education. [Image courtesy of The University of Melbourne] |
Part 3: Professor Maria Forsyth is an Australia Laureate Fellow at Deakin University. Her project 'New materials for a sustainable energy future' is tackling the transport properties of materials used for batteries, fuel cells and solar technologies, which is one of the key limiting factors in this technology moving forward. [Image courtesy of Deakin University] |
Chapter 7: Professor Emily Hilder is Director of the ARC Training Centre for Portable Analytical Separation Technologies at the University of Tasmania. Analytical separation science is a fundamental technology that allows samples to be broken down into their component parts and measured. It has a range of applications in areas including forensics, medical and clinical analysis, environmental testing, and food safety. [Photo courtesy of the University of Tasmania] |
Chapter 8: Professor David Clarke, based at The University of Melbourne, is part of the ARC-funded Science of Learning Research Centre. Over the past twenty years, Professor Clarke's research activity has centred on capturing the complexity of classroom practice through a programme of international video-based classroom research. [Image courtesy of The University of Melbourne] |
Chapter 9: Associate Professor Sally Gras and PhD candidate, Ms Anita Pax, at The University of Melbourne using confocal microscopy to analyse the microstructure of Australian Cheddar cheese. Associate Professor Gras is Director of the Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Dairy Innovation, which aims to assist dairy manufacturers improve their dairy products, particularly for export markets. [Image courtesy of Casamento Photography] |
Chapter 10: Professor Joshua Cinner, an ARC Australian Research Fellow from James Cook University, conducting a focus group with fishers from Ahus Island, Papua New Guinea. His project is helping to inform how coastal communities may be affected by expected impacts of climate change. [Photo courtesy of Tessa Hempson] |
Part 4: Dr Vanessa Kellermann from Monash University works with different species of Drosophila to understand the role of climate in shaping current species distributions. Dr Kellermann was awarded a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award for her project. [Photo courtesy of L'Oreal Australia] |
Chapter 11: Professor Alister Graham, an ARC Future Fellow, and PhD candidate, Ms Giulia Savorgnan, from Swinburne University of Technology discussing their work on massive black holes. [Image courtesy of Alister Graham] |
Part 5: Professor Ryan Lister, an ARC Future Fellow and researcher in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at The University of Western Australia, studies the regulation and function of epigenomes. His work could lead to a better understanding of the human brain, the transformation of stem-cell medicine and advancements in agriculture. [Photo courtesy of The University of Western Australia] |
Part 6: Professor Melanie Oppenheimer holds the Chair of History in the School of History and International Relations, Flinders University. Her current research, funded under the Discovery Projects scheme, is an historical evaluation of the Australian Assistance Plan. The project seeks to provide a new interpretation of an important initiative in Australian history and demonstrate how historical analysis can inform policy in government and non-profit sectors in the future. [Photo courtesy of Ashton Claridge] |
Featured researchers
The following photos were included in the hard copy annual report.
Professor Bill Griffin, from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems, in Tibet with the newly discovered deepest known rocks exposed at the Earth's surface.
Ms Tess Reynolds, a PhD student at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, examining prototype laser equipment in preparation for use in biochemical sensing. (Photo courtesy of The University of Adelaide)
Professor Maria Forsyth, an Australian Laureate Fellow at Deakin University, is researching solutions to store power generated from renewable energy sources. (Image courtesy of Deakin University)
Dr Vanessa Kellermann from Monash University works with different species of Drosophila to understand the role of climate in shaping current species distributions. (Photo courtesy of L'Oreal Australia)
Professor Ryan Lister, an ARC Future Fellow at The University of Western Australia, is researching epigenomes—the chemical compounds surrounding DNA.
(Photo courtesy of the University of Western Australia)
Professor Melanie Oppenheimer, Chair of History at Flinders University and a Discovery Projects grant holder.
(Photo courtesy of Ashton Claridge)
Dr Kylie Catchpole, an ARC Future Fellow at The Australian National University, is making new types of solar cells.
(Photo courtesy of Josephine McKeon)
Dr Nathan English, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient at James Cook University, is modelling El Nino's effects on drought and floods in Australia.
(Photo courtesy of James Cook University)
Professor Kerry Mengersen, an Australian Laureate Fellow at Queensland University of Technology, is using mathematics to help solve complex problems in the real world.
(Photo courtesy of Queensland University of Technology)
Professor Shari Forbes, an ARC Future Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney, is investigating the decomposition process in the local Sydney environment.
(Photo courtesy of Shari Forbes)
Professor Joshua Cinner with fishers from Ahus Island, Papua New Guinea. Professor Cinner is researching humanenvironment interactions.
(Photo courtesy of Tessa Hempson)
Professor Emily Hilder, from the University of Tasmania, is Director of the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Portable Analytical Separation Technologies.
(Photo courtesy of the University of Tasmania)
Associate Professor Sally Gras and PhD candidate Ms Anita Pax from The University of Melbourne are researching improvements to dairy products.
(Photo courtesy of Casamento Photography)
Dr Scott Draper, PhD student Qin Zhang, and Professor David White examine the self-burial of seabed pipelines in The University of Western Australia's large O-tube flume.
(Photo courtesy of The University of Western Australia)
Students and staff in the Hands on Learning program, partners in an ARC Linkage project titled Building Futures for Young Australians at Risk, at Mt Eliza Secondary College.
(Photo courtesy of The University of Melbourne)
Professor David Clarke from the Science of Learning Research Centre at The University of Melbourne.
(Photo courtesy of The University of Melbourne)
Professor Alister Graham and PhD candidate Ms Giulia Savorgnan from Swinburne University of Technology are researching black holes.
(Photo courtesy of Alister Graham)