Launch of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW)
Launch of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW)

The ARC was pleased to attend the launch of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW) at Monash University.
By pioneering new, evidence-based approaches to studying violence against women, CEVAW is transforming our understanding of this major challenge, to radically improve policy and practice in Australia and the Indo-Pacific region.
The Centre is also using interdisciplinary collaborations and international partnerships to develop methodologies to combat violence against women across legal, security, economic, health, and political systems around the world.
To find out more about the launch: World’s first research centre to tackle all forms of violence against women launches in Australia - Monash University
For more information on the Centre: