17 new Australian Laureate Fellows to boost Australia’s research capability
17 new Australian Laureate Fellows to boost Australia’s research capability

3 July 2023
17 new Australian Laureate Fellows to boost Australia’s research capability
The Australian Research Council (ARC) has today announced 17 new Australian Laureate Fellowships, who will receive a total of $53.9 million in ARC funding over 5 years to conduct ground-breaking research across a broad range of areas.
ARC Chief Executive Officer, Ms Judi Zielke PSM, said that the Australian Laureate Fellowship scheme is fundamental to providing an excellent research training environment, exemplary mentorship to nurture early-career researchers, and conducting research for the benefit of the Australian and international communities.
“For example, one 2023 Laureate Fellow will research and explore cities as transformative agents for a climate-safe future, while another will research the relationship between communications and trust in the age of digital platforms to provide foundations for advancing a digital trust agenda,” Ms Zielke said.
“The Laureate Fellowship scheme affords researchers the opportunity to establish strong connections with research counterparts and industry partners, which is an integral part of delivering high-quality mentorship for up-and-coming early-career researchers,” Ms Zielke said.
The Australian Laureate Fellowships include two fellowships allocated to women researchers who will undertake an ambassadorial role to promote women in research and to encourage female early-career researchers to pursue a research career in Australia.
The Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellowship supports research in the humanities, arts and social science disciplines. In 2023, this Fellowship is awarded to Professor Janeen Baxter who is researching a new approach to caregiving and social relationships in the home to progress gender equality, safeguarding the potential of all Australians in the workplace.
The Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship supports research in the science and technology disciplines. In 2023, this Fellowship is awarded to Professor Catherine Stampfl who will research the use of supercomputers and simulations of atoms and artificial intelligence to overcome challenges and develop breakthroughs to advance Australia’s renewable energy and emerging quantum technology industries.
For more information on the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme and the 2023 Australian Laureate Fellows and their research project details, please visit the ARC website.
Media contact:
ARC Communications 0412 623 056 or communications@arc.gov.au