ARC welcomes new direction from Government
ARC welcomes new direction from Government

30 August 2022
ARC welcomes new direction from Government
CEO of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Ms Judi Zielke PSM has welcomed the new Statement of Expectations for the ARC from the Minister for Education the Hon Jason Clare MP.
The statement sets out the Minister’s immediate expectations for the ARC and details a range of priorities to streamline the support the ARC provides to the Australian university research sector.
“The statement acknowledges the work of the ARC in delivering a sustained and significant investment in high-quality research over many years, which has contributed to the international success and recognition of our research sector,” Ms Zielke said.
The Minister has provided important clarity on the National Interest Test, developing the ARC as a data-driven organisation, and the next steps of the independent review of the ARC and its enabling legislation.
Minister Clare confirmed the National Interest Test, while acknowledging it needs to be clearer, simpler and more easily understood. Ms Zielke noted that “the ARC is undertaking consultations with a range of stakeholders on the current process and how to improve it and the guidance material. The feedback so far has been valuable and constructive, and we look forward to implementing changes that provide clarity and in turn minimise the workload for researchers”.
In response to the Statement, the ARC will be prioritising the development of a modern data driven approach to Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) informed by expert review, for implementation in 2024-25. This means an ERA evaluation round will not be undertaken in 2023.
The Minister has asked that we prepare a transition plan for this change, in consultation with the sector, and provide it to him before the end of 2022. Ms Zielke said, “I will shortly establish a working group drawing on experts from across the university sector, peak bodies and the Department of Education to provide advice on this transition and any impact on Engagement and Impact.”
The statement of expectations also requests the ARC to continue to focus on strengthening Australia’s research system through high-quality, data-driven performance measurement. “Using data to measure the impact of research allows us to identify the benefits and provide opportunities to advance Australia’s research system in areas of national priority and significance,” Ms Zielke said.
Ms Zielke also noted the Terms of Reference for the Australian Government’s review of the ARC released by Minister Clare today.
“The ARC will immediately work to respond to the Statement of Expectations and to support the Review of the ARC. This is an exciting time for Australian research, and the ARC will continue to support the sector to deliver world class research,” Ms Zielke said.
The Statement of Expectations can be found here.
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