2.3 Performance framework

The ARC’s performance measurement framework is consistent with the requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework.

The ARC’s performance measurement framework ensures there is a clear line of sight between the performance criteria published in the ARC’s Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) and the performance information presented in its Corporate Plan and Annual Report.

Together, these three documents provide the ARC’s complete performance story. In addition to the ARC’s published performance information, the ARC’s performance measurement framework is supported by internal planning, monitoring and reporting processes.

Portfolio Budget Statements

The ARC had one Outcome and four Programs in its 2017–18 PBS (Figure 2).

Figure 2 ARC Outcome and Programs
Outcome 1
Growth of knowledge and innovation through managing research funding schemes, research excellence and providing policy advice
Program 1.1 Program 1.2 Program 1.3
Discovery—research and research training Administered expenses
Linkage—cross-sector research partnerships Administered expenses
Excellence in Research for Australia Administered expenses
Program 1.4
ARC Departmental
Departmental expenses

Note: Budgeted expenses are as published in the 2017–18 PBS and do not include changes identified within the 2017–18 Portfolio Additional Estimates or the 2018–19 Budget.

Corporate Plan

The ARC’s purpose in the ARC Corporate Plan 2017–18 is:

To grow knowledge and innovation for the benefit of the Australian community by funding the highest quality research, assessing the quality, engagement and impact of research and providing advice on research matters.

Annual Performance Statement

The Annual Performance Statement in Section 3.1 shows the ARC’s achievements against its purpose in the Corporate Plan, and Outcome and Programs from the PBS.

A mapping between the elements of the PBS, Corporate Plan and Annual Performance Statement is provided in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Mapping the ARC Outcome and Programs to the ARC’s Purpose
Document Element Details
Portfolio Budget Statements Outcome Outcome 1
Growth of knowledge and innovation through managing research funding schemes, measuring research excellence and providing policy advice
Programs Program 1.1
Program 1.2
Program 1.3
Program 1.4
ARC Departmental
Corporate Plan Purpose Purpose
To grow knowledge and innovation for the benefit of the Australian community by funding the highest quality research, assessing the quality, engagement and impact of research and providing advice on research matters
Key Activity 1
Funding the highest quality research
Key Activity 2
Assessing the quality, engagement and impact of research
Key Activity 3
Providing advice on research matters
Annual Performance Statement Activities Key Activity 1
Funding the highest quality research
Key Activity 2
Assessing the quality, engagement and impact of research
Key Activity 3
Providing advice on research matters