
Administered expenditure

Funding that is managed by agencies on behalf of the government.

Applied research

Research that aims to address real-world problems by applying existing research theories or practices in a novel or innovative way.

Chief Investigator

A researcher who satisfies the eligibility criteria for a Chief Investigator under the Discovery Program or Linkage Program funding rules, and takes responsibility for the conduct of an ARC-funded project.

Discovery Program

Funding for investigator-initiated research projects and research fellowships and awards. The Discovery Program comprises the Australian Laureate Fellowships, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Discovery Indigenous, Discovery Projects and Future Fellowships schemes.

Early career researcher

A researcher who has held a PhD or equivalent qualification for a period less than or equal to five years at the time of their application.

Engagement and Impact (EI) assessment

An assessment of researchers’ engagement with end-users, to demonstrate how universities are translating their research into economic, social, environmental and other impacts.

Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)

Provides Australian Government, industry, business and the wider community assurance of the excellence of research conducted in Australia’s higher education institutions through an evaluation framework that identifies universities and disciplines that are internationally competitive and highlights areas where there are opportunities for further development and investment.

Final report

A report to the ARC that researchers must submit within 12 months of completing their research project. The report includes a range of data and information including a description of research outcomes, academic and commercialisation outputs and details of collaboration.

Fundamental research

Research that contributes to understanding the world through discoveries and the creation of new knowledge, theories and practices.

Grant Agreement

The agreement entered into by the ARC and an Administering Organisation when an application from that organisation is approved for funding.

Grant Guidelines

Documents published on the GrantConnect website for each grant opportunity that provide applicants with information about a scheme, eligibility requirements, the application, selection and approval processes, and requirements for the administration of funding.

Linkage Program

Provides funding for research projects, infrastructure, hubs and centres that foster collaboration among researchers and research teams in Australia and internationally, and with industry and other end-users of research. The Linkage Program comprises the ARC Centres of Excellence, Industrial Transformation Research Hubs, Industrial Transformation Training Centres, Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities, Linkage Learned Academies Special Projects, Linkage Projects, Special Research Initiatives, and Supporting Responses to Commonwealth Science Council Priorities schemes.

Mid-career researchers

A researcher with between five and 15 years’ research experience since the award of a PhD or equivalent qualification at the time of their application.

National Competitive Grants Program

The National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) comprises the Discovery and Linkage Programs, under which the ARC funds a range of complementary schemes to support the highest-quality fundamental and applied research, research training, research collaboration or partnerships, and infrastructure across all research disciplines.

Open access

The idea that research outcomes, particularly those arising from publicly funded research projects, should be available as broadly as possible.

Partner Investigator

A researcher who satisfies the eligibility criteria for a Partner Investigator under the Discovery Program or Linkage Program funding rules, and takes significant intellectual responsibility for the research.

Partner organisations

National or international organisations that satisfy the eligibility criteria for a partner organisation as defined under Linkage Program funding rules, and contribute to the research project in accordance with the requirements of the scheme.

Peer review

Evaluation of research proposals or outputs by experts who assess individual research proposals within their field of research or across a broader disciplinary area on the basis of established selection criteria.

Science and Research Priority areas

A set of priority areas identified by the Australian Government that replaced the Strategic Research Priority areas in 2015. The Australian Government identified nine Science and Research Priority areas and associated Practical Research Challenges. The priorities, developed in consultation with leaders from industry, research and government, are designed to focus Australian Government support for science and research on the most important challenges facing Australia. The current Science and Research Priority areas are: food, soil and water, transport, cybersecurity, energy, resources, advanced manufacturing, environmental change and health. Each priority is associated with three to four Practical Research Challenges, which aim to guide investment and activity in areas where the Government considers Australia must maintain a strong research and innovation capability.

Success rate

The number of awards made in a year or funding round as a percentage of the total number of applications. Withdrawn applications are excluded from calculations.