5.3 Australian Research Council Financial Report

Primary financial statement including:
-   Statement of Comprehensive Income
-   Statement of Financial Position
-   Statement of Changes in Equity
-   Cash Flow Statement
-   Administered Schedule of Comprehensive Income
-   Administered Schedule of Assets and Liabilities
-   Administered Reconciliation Schedule
-   Administered Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the financial statements
1.  Departmental Financial Performance
1.1 Expenses
1.2 Own-Source Revenue and Gains
2.  Income and Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government
2.1 Administered—Expenses
2.2 Administered—Income
3.  Departmental Financial Position
3.1 Financial Assets
3.2 Non-Financial Assets
3.3 Payables
3.4 Interest Bearing Liabilities
3.5 Other Provisions
4.  Assets and Liabilities Administered on Behalf of Government
4.1 Administered—Financial Assets
4.2 Administered—Non-Financial Assets
4.3 Administered—Payables
5.  Funding
5.1 Appropriations
5.2 Special Account
5.3 Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements
6.  People and relationships
6.1 Employee Provisions
6.2 Key Management Personnel Remuneration
6.3 Related Party Disclosures
7.  Managing uncertainties
7.1 Contingent Assets and Liabilities
7.2 Financial Instruments
7.3 Administered—Financial Instruments
7.4 Fair Value Measurement
Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements