List of figures and tables

Table A6: List of Figures
No. Title
1 Structure of the Australian Research Council (2017–18)
2 ARC Outcome and Programs
3 Mapping the ARC Outcome and Programs to the ARC’s purpose
4 Performance measurement framework
5 Proposals received and projects funded, 2014–15 to 2017–18
6 Proportion of projects involving international collaboration, by program
7 Departmental financial performance, 2013–14 to 2018–19
8 Administered financial performance, 2013–14 to 2018–19
9 External planning and reporting framework, 2017–18
Table A7: List of Tables
No. Title
1 Membership of the ARC Audit Committee, 2017–18
2 Membership of the ARC Advisory Council, 2017–18
3 Membership of the Australian Research Integrity Committee, 2017–2018
4 Employment performance (at 30 June 2017 and 2018)
5 Number of staff by substantive classification level (at 30 June 2017 and 2018)
6 Number of staff by full-time/part-time employment arrangements (at 30 June 2017 and 2018)
7 Number of staff by gender (at 30 June 2017 and 2018)
8 Number of staff by employment arrangement (at 30 June 2017 and 2018)
9 Salary ranges of non-SES staff by classification level (at 30 June 2018)
A1 Discovery Program funding commencing in 2015–16 to 2017–18
A2 Linkage Program funding commencing in 2015–16 to 2017–18
A3 ARC Entity Resource Statement 2017–18
A4 ARC Expenses for Outcome 1, 2017–18
A5 Principles of ecologically sustainable development and ARC activities
A6 List of Figures
A7 List of Tables
A8 Abbreviations and Acronyms