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Annual Report:

Designed by: Papercut

ISSN (print) 1444-982x
ISSN (digital) 2202-0683

© Commonwealth of Australia 2019

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2 October 2019

The Hon Dan Tehan MP
Minister for Education
Parliament House

Dear Minister

It is with great pleasure that I present the Australian Research Council Annual Report 2018–19.

This report has been prepared for the purposes of:

  • section 46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, which requires that an Annual Report be given to the entity’s responsible Minister for presentation to the Parliament
  • section 46 of the Australian Research Council Act 2001 (ARC Act), which requires that the report given to you must deal with:
    • any matters required by other provisions of the ARC Act to be dealt with in the report (Ministerial directions)
    • any other matters that the Minister, by notice in writing to the CEO, requires to be dealt with in the report.
  • all other enabling legislation that specifies requirements in relation to the report.

There were no relevant matters to be dealt with in the Annual Report 2018–19 as required under section 46 of the ARC Act.

As the Accountable Authority of the ARC, I certify that:

  • fraud risk assessments and fraud control plans have been prepared
  • appropriate mechanisms for preventing, detecting incidents of, investigating or otherwise dealing with, and recording or reporting fraud that meet the specific needs of the ARC are in place
  • all reasonable measures have been taken to deal appropriately with fraud relating to the ARC.

Yours sincerely

Signature of Sue Thomas, ARC CEO.

Professor Sue Thomas
Chief Executive Officer


The following style conventions are used in the report:

  • acronyms are spelt out for their first use in each part, except for the acronym for the Australian Research Council—ARC, and the acronym for the Chief Executive Officer—CEO, which are used throughout
  • n/a means not applicable.

Comments and enquiries about the report are welcome and should be directed to:

Annual Report contact officer: Director, Strategy and Governance

Contact phone number: +61 2 6287 6600

Contact email:

Entity website:

ARC snapshot - Linked projects partners $1.91: $ARC$1. The ARC funded 4559 new and ongoing research projects 2018-19. ERA 201 included 506,294 research outputs from 76,261 researchers. 7.95% of Australia Government investment in research and development administered. 8200 assessors produced nearly 26,700 peer review assessment in 2018. The ARC processes 5000+ applications and funds 1000+ projects per year. 81.5% ARC research projects invovling international collaboration n 2018-19. The EI 2018 assessment included: 626 engagement narratives and 637 impact studies.