Part 6 Reference
No. |
Title |
Page |
2.1 |
Structure of the Australian Research Council |
11 |
2.2 |
ARC Outcome and Programmes, 2014–15 |
14 |
4.1 |
Discovery programme, number of new grants funded by scheme, |
45 |
4.2 |
Discovery programme, total value of new grants, 2012–13 to 2014–15 |
45 |
4.3 |
Discovery programme, proportion of new grants by Strategic Research Priority, 2014–15 |
53 |
5.1 |
Linkage programme, number of new grants funded by scheme, |
61 |
5.2 |
Linkage programme, total value of new grants funded by scheme, |
61 |
5.3 |
Linkage Projects scheme, partner organisation contributions by type of organisation, 2014–15 |
66 |
5.4 |
Industrial Transformation Research Programme, partner organisation contributions by type of organisation, 2014–15 |
66 |
5.5 |
Linkage programme, proportion of new grants by Strategic Research Priority, 2014–15 |
71 |
7.1 |
ARC planning and reporting framework, 2014–15 |
101 |
A1.1 |
ARC strategic plan performance reporting framework, 2014–15 |
200 |
No. |
Title |
Page |
4.1 |
Discovery, performance summary |
42 |
4.2 |
Discovery, deliverables |
43 |
5.1 |
Linkage, performance summary |
58 |
5.2 |
Linkage, deliverables |
59 |
6.1 |
Excellence in Research for Australia, performance summary |
80 |
6.2 |
Excellence in Research for Australia, deliverables |
81 |
9.1 |
Salary ranges of non-SES staff by classification |
122 |
9.2 |
Training and development by classification, 2014–15 |
123 |
A1.1 |
Discovery, key performance indicators |
201 |
A1.2 |
Linkage, key performance indicators |
202 |
A1.3 |
ERA, key performance indicators |
203 |
A1.4 |
Policy advice, key performance indicators |
204 |
A1.5 |
Stakeholder engagement, key performance indicators |
205 |
A1.6 |
Programme delivery, key performance indicators |
206 |
A1.7 |
Organisation, key performance indicators |
206 |
A1.8 |
Progress against 2014–15 key priorities |
208 |
A2.1 |
Discovery, funding schemes |
210 |
A2.2 |
Discovery, funding commencing in 2012–13 to 2014–15 |
211 |
A2.3 |
Discovery programme, number of research outputs, funding commencing in 2008 to 2010 |
212 |
A2.4 |
Discovery Projects scheme, number of research personnel outputs, funding commencing in 2010 |
213 |
A3.1 |
Linkage, funding schemes |
214 |
A3.2 |
Linkage, funding commencing in 2012–13 to 2014–15 |
216 |
A3.3 |
Linkage programme, number of research outputs, funding commencing in 2008 to 2010 |
217 |
A3.4 |
ARC Centres of Excellence, number of research outputs, 2014 |
218 |
A3.5 |
Linkage Projects scheme, number of research personnel outputs, funding commencing in 2010 |
219 |
A4.1 |
Prizes and awards, ARC-funded researchers, 2014–15 |
220 |
A5.1 |
ARC Advisory Council, 2014–15 |
223 |
A5.2 |
ARC Audit Committee, 2014–15 |
223 |
A5.3 |
ARC College of Experts, 2014–15 |
224 |
A5.4 |
NCGP Selection Advisory Committees, 2014–15 |
230 |
A5.5 |
NCGP Appeals Committee, 2014–15 |
231 |
A5.6 |
NCGP Scrutiny Committee, 2014–15 |
231 |
A5.7 |
ARC Research Evaluation Committees, 2014–15 |
232 |
A5.8 |
ERA Scrutiny Committee, 2014–15 |
236 |
A5.9 |
Australian Research Integrity Committee, 2014–15 |
236 |
A6.1 |
Summary of performance against the ARC client service charter, 2014–15 |
237 |
A8.1 |
New ARC-funded research projects in the area of 'Living in a changing environment', funding commencing in 2014–15 |
241 |
A8.2 |
Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan–summary of measures |
243 |
A10.1 |
All staff by classification level |
245 |
A10.2 |
All staff by employment category, employment status and gender |
245 |
A10.3 |
All staff by classification level and gender |
246 |
A10.4 |
Staff separations by classification level and employment category |
246 |
A10.5 |
Employment arrangements covering staff |
247 |
A11.1 |
Agency Resource Statement, 2014–15 |
248 |
A11.2 |
Expenses and Resources for Outcome 1 |
250 |
No. |
Page |
Chapter 3: Outcome |
Discovery: Building research capacity---Inspiring women: Science 50:50 |
21 |
Discovery: Building research capacity---Attracting and retaining the world's best researchers |
22 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Providing insight into Indigenous place names |
23 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Managing pests on the Great Barrier Reef |
24 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Improving health outcomes for children |
25 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Molecular biology discovery could lead to better treatment of nerve injuries |
26 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Looking back to predict future climate |
27 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Low-cost, super-efficient offshore wind turbines |
28 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Impact of domestic violence |
29 |
Discovery: Generating benefits for Australia---Changing the understanding of the |
30 |
Linkage: Generating benefits for Australia---Investigating the depths of the ocean |
31 |
Linkage: Ongoing collaboration---University-industry success story |
32 |
Linkage: Generating benefits for Australia---Taking advantage of disease to study immunity |
33 |
Linkage: Generating benefits for Australia---Revolutionising Australia's sewer systems |
34 |
Linkage: Generating benefits for Australia---iLetter: digital communication and |
35 |
ERA: Using ERA results |
36 |
Policy: Research Integrity and Misconduct |
37 |
Policy: Conflict of Interest |
38 |
Policy: Gender equity |
39 |
Chapter 4: Discovery |
Discovery: New funding commencing in 2014–15---Australian Laureate Fellowships |
54-55 |
Chapter 5: Linkage |
Linkage: New funding commencing in 2014–15---Research hubs and training centres |
76-77 |
Chapter 5: Excellence in Research for Australia |
ERA: ERA Research Evaluation Committees |
86 |
ERA: Reducing red tape---Single Higher Education Research Data Collection |
87 |
Chapter 7: Corporate Governance |
Organisation: Implementation of the PGPA Act |
94 |
Organisation: ARC's contribution to the deregulation agenda |
95 |
Chapter 9: Management of human resources |
Organisation: State of the Service census results |
125 |
Organisation: ARC Workplace Diversity Programme |
126 |
Organisation: Learnhub |
127 |
A |
Accountable Authority Instructions |
Australian Bureau of Statistics |
Australian National Audit Office |
Australian Public Service |
Australian Public Service Commission |
Australian Research Council |
ARC Act |
Australian Research Council Act 2001 |
Australian Research Integrity Committee |
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering |
Australian Workplace Agreement |
B |
ARC Business Continuity Plan |
C |
Centres |
ARC Centres of Excellence scheme |
Chief Executive Officer |
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
D |
DI |
Discovery Indigenous scheme |
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award |
DP |
Discovery Projects scheme |
E |
early career researcher |
expression of interest |
Excellence in Research for Australia |
F |
FL |
Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme |
FOI Act |
Freedom of Information Act 1982 |
FoR |
Field of Research |
FT |
Future Fellowships scheme |
full-time equivalent |
G |
goods and services tax |
H |
higher degree by research |
Higher Education Research Data Collection |
I |
information and communications technology |
Individual Flexibility Agreements |
International Ocean Discovery Program |
Information Publication Scheme |
Industrial Transformation Research Hub |
Industrial Transformation Research Programme |
Industrial Transformation Training Centres |
J |
James Cook University |
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation |
K |
key performance indicator |
kWh |
kilowatt hour |
L |
Linkage Learned Academies Special Projects scheme |
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities scheme |
LP |
Linkage Projects scheme |
M |
Macquarie |
Macquarie University |
N |
National Australian Building Environment Rating System |
National Competitive Grants Programme |
National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training |
National Health and Medical Research Council |
National ICT Australia |
National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network |
national research priority |
National Water Commission |
O |
Open Researcher and Contributor ID |
P |
Portfolio Budget Statements |
PGPA Act |
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 |
PGPA Rule |
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 |
PhD |
Doctor of Philosophy |
PS Act |
Public Service Act 1999 |
R |
R&D |
research and development |
Reconciliation Action Plan |
Research Evaluation Committee |
RMIT University |
S |
Selection Advisory Committee |
South-Eastern Australia Recent Climate History |
System to Evaluate the Excellence of Research |
Senior Executive Service |
Science of Learning Research Centre |
Small to Medium Enterprises |
Senior Management Group |
strategic research priority |
Special Research Initiatives scheme |
science, technology, engineering and mathematics |
U |
The University of New South Wales |
UoE |
unit of evaluation |
UQ |
The University of Queensland |
USyd |
The University of Sydney |
W |
ARC Workplace Diversity Programme |
WHS Act |
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) |
Funding that is managed by agencies on behalf of the government.
Chief investigator
A researcher who: satisfies the eligibility criteria for a Chief Investigator under the Discovery programme or Linkage programme funding rules; and takes responsibility for the conduct of an ARC-funded project.
A reference to a research publication in another research publication. The number of citations received by a publication is considered to provide an indication of the potential use of a researcher's work by fellow researchers.
Departmental items
Those assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses controlled by agencies or authorities and used in producing their outputs.
Programme 1.1 of the 2014–15 Portfolio Budget Statements, which provides funding for investigator-initiated research projects and research fellowships and awards. The Discovery programme comprises the Australian Laureate Fellowships, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Discovery Indigenous, Discovery Projects, Future Fellowships and Super Science Fellowships schemes.
Early career researcher
A researcher who has held a PhD or equivalent qualification for a period less than or equal to five years at the time of their application.
Excellence in Research for Australia
Programme 1.3 of the 2014–15 Portfolio Budget Statements, which provides Australian Government, industry, business and the wider community assurance of the excellence of research conducted in Australia's higher education institutions through an evaluation framework that identifies universities and disciplines that are internationally competitive and highlights areas where there are opportunities for further development and investment.
Field of Research (FoR) classification
A classification based on the methodology used in the R&D that is being considered. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) develops the FoR codes in consultation with stakeholders in the research sector. Full code descriptions are available on the ABS website <>.
Final report
A report to the ARC that researchers must submit within 12 months of completing their research project. The report includes a range of data and information including a description of research outcomes, academic and commercialisation outputs and details of collaboration.
Funding agreement
The agreement entered into by the ARC and an Administering Organisation when a proposal from that organisation is approved for funding.
Funding round
The year funding for new grants commences.
Funding rules
Documents published on the ARC website for each funding scheme which provide applicants with information about a scheme, eligibility requirements, the application, selection and approval processes, and requirements for the administration of funding.
Invention disclosure
That which occurs when a device, substance, method or process that is apparently new, useful and involves an inventive step is made known to personnel within an institution who have responsibility for managing the institution's patenting and research commercialisation activities.
Programme 1.2 of the 2014–15 Portfolio Budget Statements, which provides funding for research projects, infrastructure, hubs and centres that foster collaboration among researchers and research teams in Australia and internationally, and with industry and other end-users of research. The Linkage programme comprises the ARC Centres of Excellence; Co-funded Research Centres; Industrial Transformation Research Hubs; Industrial Transformation Training Centres; Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities; Linkage Learned Academies Special Projects; Linkage Projects and Special Research Initiatives schemes.
Mid-career researchers
A researcher with between 5 and 15 years research experience since the award of a PhD or equivalent qualification at the time of their application.
National Competitive Grants Programme
Comprises Discovery and Linkage programmes, under which the ARC funds a range of complementary schemes to support the highest-quality fundamental and applied research, research training and collaboration or partnerships and infrastructure across all research disciplines.
National Research Priorities
A set of priority areas identified by the Australian Government. In 2012–13 the Australian Government's four National Research Priorities were: An environmentally sustainable Australia (Environment); Promoting and maintaining good health (Health); Frontier technologies for building and transforming Australian industries (Frontier technologies); and Safeguarding Australia. In 2013 the National Research Priorities were replaced by Strategic Research Priorities.
Non-traditional research outputs
Research outputs which do not take the form of traditional research books, book chapters, journal articles, conference publications.
Open access
The idea that research outcomes, particularly those arising from publicly funded research projects, should be available as broadly as possible.
Open data
The idea that data collected and used as part of a research project, particularly a publicly funded research project, should be freely available to other researchers and the wider community.
Partner investigator
A researcher who: satisfies the eligibility criteria for a Partner Investigator under the Discovery programme or Linkage programme funding rules; and takes significant intellectual responsibility for the research.
Partner organisations
National or international organisations that satisfy the eligibility criteria for a partner organisation as defined under Linkage funding rules, and contribute to the research project in accordance with the requirements of the scheme.
An intellectual property right relating to inventions. A patent for an invention is granted to the applicant, and gives him or her the right for a limited period to stop others from making, using or selling the invention without permission.
Peer review
Evaluation of research proposals or outputs by experts in the same research discipline.
Start-up companies
Companies engaged in businesses that were dependent, for their formation, upon licensing or assignment of technology developed in ARC-funded research projects.
Strategic Research Priorities
A set of priority areas identified by the Australian Government that replaced the National Research Priorities in 2013.
Success rate
The number of awards made in a year or funding round as a percentage of the total number of applications. Withdrawn applications are excluded from calculations.
Units of evaluation
A discipline for a specific higher education institution at the two- or four-digit field of research level.
Australian Research Council Act 2001
Ref |
Report section / description |
Requirement |
Page(s) of hard copy report |
Description |
33C |
Particulars of any directions given by the Minister to the CEO about the performance of the CEO's functions |
Mandatory |
92 |
45 |
An assessment of the CEO's performance of his or her functions using the performance indicators set out in the corporate plan |
Mandatory |
200–207 |
46 |
Preparation in accordance with the provisions of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and any other matters the Minister requires to be dealt with |
Mandatory |
See below |
Ministerial directions issued under the ARC Act |
There were no Ministerial directions issued to the ARC under the ARC Act in 2014–15. |
Mandatory |
n/a |
Requirements for annual reports
Ref(1) |
Part of report/ description |
Requirement |
Page(s) of hard copy report |
8(3) & A.4 |
Letter of transmittal |
Mandatory |
iii |
A.5 |
Table of contents |
Mandatory |
iv–v |
A.5 |
Index |
Mandatory |
268–272 |
A.5 |
Glossary |
Mandatory |
261–263 |
A.5 |
Contact officer(s) |
Mandatory |
274 |
A.5 |
Internet home page address and Internet address for report |
Mandatory |
ii |
9 |
Review by Chief Executive Officer |
9(1) |
Review by Chief Executive Officer |
Mandatory |
2–7 |
9(2) |
Summary of significant issues and developments |
Suggested |
3–5 |
9(2) |
Overview of performance and financial results |
Suggested |
3–5 |
9(2) |
Outlook for following year |
Suggested |
6–7 |
9(3) |
Significant issues and developments–portfolio |
Portfolio departments– suggested |
n/a |
10 |
Departmental overview |
10(1) |
Role and functions |
Mandatory |
9 |
10(1) |
Organisational structure |
Mandatory |
11 |
10(1) |
Outcome and programme structure |
Mandatory |
14 |
10(2) |
Where outcome and programme structures differ from PB Statements/PAES or other portfolio statements accompanying any other additional appropriation bills (other portfolio statements), details of variation and reasons for change |
Mandatory |
n/a |
10(3) |
Portfolio structure |
Portfolio departments– mandatory |
n/a |
11 |
Report on performance |
11(1) |
Review of performance during the year in relation to programmes and contribution to outcomes |
Mandatory |
17–87 |
11(2) |
Actual performance in relation to deliverables and KPIs set out in PB Statements/PAES or other portfolio statements |
Mandatory |
42–53 58–75 80–85 |
11(2) |
Where performance targets differ from the PBS/PAES, details of both former and new targets, and reasons for the change |
Mandatory |
42, 58, 80 |
11(2) |
Narrative discussion and analysis of performance |
Mandatory |
17–87 |
11(2) |
Trend information |
Mandatory |
43–53, 59–75, 81–85, 211–212, 216–217 |
11(3) |
Significant changes in nature of principal functions/services |
Suggested |
n/a |
11(3) |
Performance of purchaser/provider arrangements |
If applicable, suggested |
n/a |
11(3) |
Factors, events or trends influencing departmental performance |
Suggested |
3–6 |
11(3) |
Contribution of risk management in achieving objectives |
Suggested |
104 |
11(4) |
Performance against service charter customer service standards, complaints data, and the department's response to complaints |
If applicable, mandatory |
111, 237–238 |
11(5) |
Discussion and analysis of the department's financial performance |
Mandatory |
135 |
11(6) |
Discussion of any significant changes in financial results from the prior year, from budget or anticipated to have a significant impact on future operations. |
Mandatory |
135 |
11(7) |
Agency resource statement and summary resource tables by outcomes |
Mandatory |
248–251 |
12 |
Management and accountability |
Corporate governance |
12(1) |
Agency heads are required to certify their agency's actions in dealing with fraud |
Mandatory |
iii |
12(2) |
Statement of the main corporate governance practices in place |
Mandatory |
92–111 |
12(3) |
Names of the senior executive and their responsibilities |
Suggested |
12–13 |
12(3) |
Senior management committees and their roles |
Suggested |
96–100 |
12(3) |
Corporate and operational plans and associated performance reporting and review |
Suggested |
101–102 |
12(3) |
Internal audit arrangements including approach adopted to identifying areas of significant financial or operational risk and arrangements to manage those risks |
Suggested |
103–105 |
12(3) |
Policy and practices on the establishment and maintenance of appropriate ethical standards |
Suggested |
106–108 |
12(3) |
How nature and amount of remuneration for SES officers is determined |
Suggested |
122 |
External scrutiny |
12(4) |
Significant developments in external scrutiny |
Mandatory |
113 |
12(4) |
Judicial decisions and decisions of administrative tribunals and by the Australian Information Commissioner |
Mandatory |
114–115 |
12(4) |
Reports by the Auditor-General, a Parliamentary Committee, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or an agency capability review |
Mandatory |
114–115 |
Management of human resources |
12(5) |
Assessment of effectiveness in managing and developing human resources to achieve departmental objectives |
Mandatory |
119 |
12(6) |
Workforce planning, staff retention and turnover |
Suggested |
121, 246 |
12(6) |
Impact and features of enterprise or collective agreements, individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs), determinations, common law contracts and Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) |
Suggested |
121–122 |
12(6) |
Training and development undertaken and its impact |
Suggested |
123 |
12(6) |
Work health and safety performance |
Suggested |
124 |
12(6) |
Productivity gains |
Suggested |
n/a |
12(7) |
Statistics on staffing |
Mandatory |
120, 245–247 |
12(8) |
Statistics on employees who identify as Indigenous |
Mandatory |
120 |
12(9) |
Enterprise or collective agreements, IFAs, determinations, common law contracts and AWAs |
Mandatory |
121–122 |
12(10) & B |
Performance pay |
Mandatory |
122 |
Assets management |
12(11)-(12) |
Assessment of effectiveness of assets management |
If applicable, mandatory |
130 |
Purchasing |
12(13) |
Assessment of purchasing against core policies and principles |
Mandatory |
130 |
Consultants |
12(14)-(23) |
The annual report must include a summary statement detailing the number of new consultancy services contracts let during the year; the total actual expenditure on all new consultancy contracts let during the year (inclusive of GST); the number of ongoing consultancy contracts that were active in the reporting year; and the total actual expenditure in the reporting year on the ongoing consultancy contracts (inclusive of GST). The annual report must include a statement noting that information on contracts and consultancies is available through the AusTender website. |
Mandatory |
131 |
Australian National Audit Office access clauses |
12(24) |
Absence of provisions in contracts allowing access by the Auditor-General |
Mandatory |
131 |
Exempt contracts |
12(25) |
Contracts exempted from publication in AusTender |
Mandatory |
131 |
Small business |
12(26)-(28) |
Procurement initiatives to support small business |
Mandatory |
130 |
Financial statements |
13 |
Financial Statements |
Mandatory |
136–197 |
Other mandatory information |
14(1) & C.1 |
Work health and safety (Schedule 2, Part 4 of the |
Mandatory |
124 |
14(1) & C.2 |
Advertising and Market Research (Section 311A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918) and statement on advertising campaigns |
Mandatory |
239 |
14(1) & C.3 |
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance (Section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) |
Mandatory |
240–243 |
14(1) |
Compliance with the agency's obligations under the Carer Recognition Act 2010 |
If applicable, mandatory |
n/a |
14(2) & D.1 |
Grant programmes |
Mandatory |
210, 214–215 |
14(3) & D.2 |
Disability reporting – explicit and transparent reference to agency-level information available through other reporting mechanisms |
Mandatory |
116–117 |
14(4) & D.3 |
Information Publication Scheme statement |
Mandatory |
117 |
14(5) |
Correction of material errors in previous annual report |
If applicable, mandatory |
117, 244 |
E |
Agency Resource Statements and Resources for Outcomes |
Mandatory |
248–251 |
F |
List of requirements |
Mandatory |
264–267 |
(1) Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and Other Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entities, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 25 June 2015
Page numbers in italic indicate photographs.
abbreviations 258–60
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Researchers' Network see National
Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network
Academy of Technological Sciences and
Engineering Clunies Ross Awards 221
Accountable Authority Instructions 94, 103, 130
acronyms 258–60
administering organisations, grants made to 44, 46, 60, 62
advertising agencies 239
Agency Multicultural Plan 126
agency resource statements 248–51
Antarctic Gateway 3, 57, 72, 208,217
appeals 99, 111, 206
Appeals Committee 99, 231
ARC Advisory Council 96, 223
ARC Centre Directors' Forum 109
ARC Centres of Excellence information sessions 110
ARC College of Experts 98, 224-9
ARC/NHMRC Research Administrators'
Seminar 109
assessors, ethical conduct by 106
assets, management of 130
Auditor's Report 137–8
Australian National Audit Office reports 114
internal arrangements 103
see also Australian National Audit Office
Audit Committee 97, 103, 223
Australian Academy of Science Awards 220-1
Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 107
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 7, 37, 91, 100, 107
Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 242-3
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Guidelines for Ethical Research
in Australian Indigenous Studies 107
Australian Laureate Fellowships 21-2, 43-5, 49, 54-5, 110, 210-1, 241
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes 27, 220
Australian National Audit Office 114, 131
Australian Research Council Act 2001 91-2, 94, 97, 102
Australian Research Integrity Committee 100
Australian Synchrotron 73-4
Australian Workplace Agreements 121, 247
awards see prizes and awards
Bionic Vision Science and Technology Initiative 74
Boosting Dementia Research 72
business continuity 105
Byrne, Professor Aidan 3, 12, 54, 96
see also Chief Executive Officer
Cameron, Dr Fiona 12, 96
case studies, list of 256–7
ARC Centres of Excellence 7, 12, 39, 57, 59, 60, 67, 109, 110, 214, 216, 218
for Advanced Molecular Imaging 33
for Core to Crust Fluid Systems x
for Nanoscale BioPhotonics 16
for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology 33
Chief Executive Officer 10, 11, 12, 92, 96, 121, 131
functions and responsibilities 12
letter of transmittal iii
review by 3-7
see also Byrne, Professor Aidan
Chief Financial Officer 96, 97, 139
Chief Information Officer 96, 97
Chief Programme Officer 13, 96, 97
Client Service Charter 111, 237-8
co-funded research centres 59
ethical conduct 106
membership 223-236
ARC governance 96-8
Australian Research Integrity Committee 100
Excellence in Research for Australia 99-100
National Competitive Grants Programme 98-9
common law contracts 122, 247
Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines iii, 106
Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines 96
Commonwealth Procurement Rules 130
complaints handling policy 111
compliance index 264-7
conflict of interest 38, 91, 106
consultancy services 131
consultations 110, 220
contact details ii
correction of errors 117, 244
Dan, Dr Laura 13, 96
Deleva, Julija 96, 139
Department of Education and Training 10, 81, 87, 95, 114, 127
see also Education and Training portfolio
Department of Industry and Science 10, 81, 114
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 93, 102
deregulation 93, 95
disability reporting 116-7
disaster recovery 105
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award 44, 50, 210, 211, 241
Discovery Indigenous 3, 13, 23,
43-5, 98, 210-1, 241
Discovery programme 3, 14, 40-55, 210–3, 261
case studies 21–30, 54–55
deliverables 43–6
description 41
expenses and resources 250
funding schemes 210–3
international collaboration 51
key performance indicators 47-43, 201
Strategic Research Priorities 52-3
objectives 47-53
performance 14-5, 40-55, 200
performance data 212-3
policy advice 46
Discovery Projects 3, 13, 29, 29, 33, 43-5, 49-51, 95, 98, 111, 210-1, 213, 209, 241
ecologically sustainable development 240-3
Education and Training portfolio 92
eLearning see LearnHub
employment arrangements 120–2, 247
enterprise agreements 119, 121, 247
ethical standards 106–8
Excellence in Research for Australia 3-4, 7, 9-10, 14, 19, 36, 78-87, 95, 99-100
case studies 36, 86-7
consultation 83, 85, 87, 237
deliverables 81
description 79
key performance indicators 84-5
objective 82
performance 14, 83-5, 200, 203
policy advice 81
Research Evaluation Committees 82, 84, 86, 99, 232-6
executive staff 12-3, 96
see also senior staff
exempt contracts 131
external scrutiny 112–17
figures, list of 254
Financial Management and Accountability
Act 1997, 92, 114
financial performance
agency resource statements 248–51
analysis of 135
financial statements 136–97
contents 136
notes to 150–97
fraud control iii, 94, 105, 114
see also ethical standards
Future Fellowships 5, 13, 24-6, 41, 43-5, 52, 111, 206, 210-1, 241
gender equity 39
glossary 261–3
governance see corporate governance
governance committees 96-8
grants see National Competitive Grants Programme
guiding principles of ARC ii
Harvey, Leanne 12, 96
Higher Education Research Data Collection 87
Indigenous staff 120
Individual Flexibility Arrangements 121, 247
Industrial Transformation Research Hubs 33, 59-61, 65–8, 76-7, 214, 216
Industrial Transformation Research Programme 61, 66, 72, 76-7, 99
see also Industrial Transformation Research Hubs; Industrial Transformation Training Centres
Industrial Transformation Training Centres 3, 59-61, 68-9, 76-7, 214, 216
Information Communication Technology services, sustainability of 242-3
Information Publication Scheme 117
institutional reviews 103
internal audit 13, 94, 103, 207
international applicants 50, 210
international awards for researchers 222
international collaboration 19, 31, 41-2, 51, 67, 74, 201
International Ocean Discovery Program 31
juvenile diabetes 72
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 72
key priorities 7, 208-9
Leahey, Trish 12, 96
Learned Academies Special Projects 10, 59, 61, 70, 215-6
LearnHub 123, 127
legislative requirements and legislation 116
letter of transmittal iii
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities 3, 13, 31, 33, 59-61, 65, 67, 98, 111, 214, 216, 241
Linkage programme 3, 9, 10, 19, 31-5, 56-77, 214-9
case studies 31-5, 76-7
deliverables 59-62
description 57
expenses and resources 250
funding schemes 214–5
international collaboration 67
key performance indicators 63-71
Strategic Research Priorities 71
objectives 63-75
partner organisations 10, 65-7, 202, 263
performance 14-5, 57-77, 202-3
performance data 217-9
policy advice 62
Linkage Projects 3, 7, 27, 32, 34-5, 59-61, 65-9, 95, 98, 215-7, 219, 241
list of photographs vi–ix
mandatory reporting in Annual Reports 113, 116-7
market research 116, 129, 239
ministerial directions 92, 264
Minister for Education and Training iii, 10, 92
see also Pyne, Christopher
mission statement of ARC ii
National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training 75
National Competitive Grants Programme 3-7, 9-10, 19, 92, 96, 98-9, 103, 107, 109-11, 230-1, 237-8, 240
committees 98-9, 230-1
see also Discovery programme; Linkage programme
National Health and Medical Research Council 7, 10, 48, 64, 100
National ICT Australia 75
National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network 74
National Principles of Intellectual Property Management for Publicly Funded Research 107
National Research Priorities 262
see also Strategic Research Priorities
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 107-8
operational plan 101-2, 104
organisational structure 11
Outcome iii, 9, 6, 14-5, 19, 42, 47, 63, 187-9,
201-2, 248-51
case studies 18-39
expenses and resources 248-51
programme structure 14
see also research outputs
parliamentary committees 114
people management 5, 98, 116, 118-27
performance 3-4, 14-5, 17-87, 92, 94, 102, 113, 119, 129, 200-9, 212-3, 217-9, 237-8
Discovery programme 40-55, 201, 212-3
Excellence in Research for Australia
78-88, 203
indicators see key performance indicators
financial see financial performance
Linkage programme 56-77, 202-03, 217-9
service see Client Service Charter
performance pay 122
Performance Reporting Framework 14–15
photographs, list of vi-ix
planning 6, 13, 101-2, 121,
policy advice 9, 13, 36, 46, 62, 81
204, 238
Discovery programme 42-3, 46
Excellence in Research for Australia 36, 80-1, 84
Linkage programme 58-9, 62
portfolio arrangements 10, 92, 101, 114
Portfolio Budget Statements 14, 42, 94, 101-2, 200, 240
Prime Minister's Science Prizes 220
priorities see key priorities; National Research Priorities; Strategic Research Priorities
prizes and awards 220-2
Programmes 14–5
1.1 see Discovery programme
1.2 see Linkage programme
1.3 see Excellence in Research for Australia
outcome and programme structure 14
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 iii, 14, 91, 92, 137-8, 151, 187
Public Service Act 1999, iii, 92, 114, 116, 121, 125
purchasing 130
Pyne, Christopher iii, 92, 54
see also Minister for Education and Training
reporting 14-5, 92, 94, 101-2, 113-4, 116-7, 200
Research Evaluation Committees 99, 232-6
Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence statement 4
research outputs
Centres of Excellence 218
Discovery programme 212–3
Linkage programme 217–8
see also outcomes
research students 49-50, 58, 68-9
ethical conduct 107-8
number supported 42-3, 46, 58-9, 62
prizes and awards to 220-2
training and career opportunities 49-50, 68-9, 76, 201, 202-3
risk management 97, 104-5
role and functions of the ARC 9
safe and healthy work environment 124
Science of Learning Research Centre 73, 112
Scopus Young Researcher Awards 222
Scrutiny Committee, ERA 100, 236
Scrutiny Committee, NCGP 99, 231
Section 24(1) determinations 121, 247
Selection Advisory Committees 98, 230
Senate Committees 114
Senior Management Group 97, 111, 102, 104
senior staff 96
see also Executive staff
Simms, Professor Marian 13, 96
small business procurement 130
Special Research Initiatives 3, 59-61, 70, 98-9, 208, 215-7, 241
see also Antarctic Gateway; Bionic Vision Science and Technology Initiative; Boosting Dementia Research; National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network; Science of Learning Research Centre; Stem Cells Australia; Australian Synchrotron; Tropical Health and Medicine; juvenile diabetes
classification levels 120, 245-6
ethical conduct 106, 38
executive staff 12, 13, 96
gender, by employment level 120, 245-6
management of 125-7
senior staff 96
separations by employment level 245-6
statistical information 120, 245-7
remuneration 122, 174
training and development 123, 127
workplace arrangements 121-2
workplace health and safety 98, 116, 119, 124
stakeholders 10
stakeholder engagement 5, 109-10
State of the Service census 106, 116, 119, 125
State Scientists of the Year 222
Stem Cells Australia 74
strategic plan 14-5, 101-2
Strategic Research Priorities 24-30, 33, 41, 52-3, 70-1, 240, 263
Sustainable Research Excellence 87
tables, list of 248–9
training and development 123, 127
Tropical Health and Medicine 72
vision statement of ARC ii
website ii, 7, 205, 237
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 98, 116, 119, 124
workforce planning 121-2
Yates, Professor Brian 13, 96
Young Tall Poppy Science Awards 221-2
ARC office
11 Lancaster Place
Canberra Airport ACT 2609
GPO Box 2702
Canberra ACT 2601
Annual report
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