Professor Barry Judd is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous) and Professor Indigenous Studies in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne.
In his role as DVC, Professor Judd has responsibility for institutional policy, strategy, and advice in relation to all aspects of Indigenous higher education.
As Professor Indigenous Studies, he provides academic leadership to the Program through undergraduate teaching, Higher Degree Research supervisions and research activity in support of this emerging field of studies.
Professor Judd is a member of Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). He was a foundation Chief Investigator of National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network (NIRAKN). He is currently a Board member of Museums and Galleries of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) and the Life Again Foundation. He is a member of the Hawthorn Football Club’s First Nations Advisory Committee and the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) committee of the Richmond Football Club
Professor Judd holds an MA in Public Policy and a PhD in Australian Indigenous Studies and holds postgraduate qualifications in higher education teaching and learning. His area of research expertise relates to Australian race relations in Australian sports and interdisciplinary research methods in Indigenous Studies and Australian history.
He has worked in the support of Indigenous activity in Australian higher education for over 30 years in both professional staff and academic roles. Professor Judd is widely published and holds several current Australian Research Council research grants.