Page numbers in italics indicate photographs
abbreviations 186–8
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Researchers’ Network, see National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff numbers 94
Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Clunies Ross Awards 167
Accountable Authority Instructions 100
acronyms 186–8
campaigns 102
expenditure 176
agency resource statements 171–3
Annual Performance Statement
introductory statement 16
purposes 16
Purpose 1 Manage research funding schemes 18–58
Purpose 2: Measure research excellence 59–67
Purpose 3: Provide advice on research matters 68–75
annual report corrections 103
list of requirements 192–8
Antarctic Gateway 36
appeals 40, 85, 90
Appeals Committee, NCGP 85
APS Code of Conduct 89
APS Values 89
ARC Advisory Council 82
ARC College of Experts 85
ARC Statement of Support and expectations for Gender Equality 72
assessors, ethical conduct by 89
asset management audit 100
Auditor-General’s Report on financial statements 107–8
Australian National Audit Office reports 92
internal arrangements 87
see also Australian National Audit Office
Audit Committee 82–3
AusTender 100, 101
Australian Academy of the Humanities Awards 167
Australian Academy of Science Awards 167
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 74
Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 180–1
Australian Laureate Fellowships 18–19, 24, 26–27, 85, 156, 158, 187, 189
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes 168
Australian National Audit Office 100
Australian Research Council Act 2001 iii, 10, 80, 192
Australian Research Integrity Committee 84, 90
Australian Synchrotron 36, 38
Australian Workplace Agreements 96
awards, see prizes and awards
Baldock, Professor Clive 81, 81
Birmingham, Simon iii, 8
Boosting Commercial Returns of Research 4
Boosting Dementia Research 38
business continuity 88
Byrne, Professor Aidan 8, 9, 80, 80
Cameron, Dr Fiona 81, 81
capability reviews, 93
case studies
Excellence in Research for Australia 66–67
National Competitive Grants Programme 42–58
policy advice 72–75
ARC Centres of Excellence 18, 24, 73, 85, 157, 159, 186
Chief Executive Officer 3, 8, 10, 12, 16
functions and responsibilities 80
letter of transmittal iii
review by 3–7
Client Service Charter 90
college of experts 85
ARC Advisory Committee 82
ARC Audit Committee 83
ARC governance 82–6
Australian Research Integrity Committee 84, 90
ethical conduct 74
Excellence in Research for Australia 84–5
National Competitive Grants Programme 85–6
Senior Management Group 83
common law contracts 91
Commonwealth Ombudsman, reports by 93
Commonwealth Procurement Rules 100
complaints handling policy 90
compliance index 192–8
conflict of interest 89
consultancy services 100–1
consultations 64, 71, 74
contact details ii
corporate plan 87
correction of errors 103
Del Favero, Professor Dennis 81, 81
Department of Education and Training 11, 67, 92
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science 11
Digital Transformation Agenda 7
disability reporting 102
disaster recovery 88
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award 18, 26, 47, 48, 54, 73, 156, 159
Discovery Indigenous 18, 24, 55, 85, 156, 159
Discovery Programme 18, 19, 156–7, 159–60
Discovery Projects 18, 24–6, 34–5, 40, 52, 85, 90, 156, 159
diversity 95
early career researchers 25
ecologically sustainable development 177–181
eLearning 95, 98
Eligibility Committee, NCGP 86
Emery, Kylie 81, 81
employment arrangements 96–7
engagement and impact assessment 4, 6, 7, 13, 59, 65
enterprise agreements 96
environmental performance
building 179
energy 180
information management 180
information and communication technology services 180–1
ethical standards 89–90
Excellence in Research for Australia 3, 10, 13, 59–60, 68, 81, 87, 173, 178
case studies 66–7
committees 84–5
consultation 71
delivery highlights 59
description 59
performance 60–5
executive staff 80–1
see also senior staff
exempt contracts 101
external scrutiny 92–3
figures, list of 184
financial performance
administered activities 77
agency resource statements 171–3
analysis of 76–7
departmental activities 76–7
summary 6
financial statements 106–153
fraud control iii, 80,
see also ethical standards
Future Fellowships 4, 18, 26–7, 40, 49, 52, 85, 90, 157, 159
Gender 5 ARC statement and action plan 72–3
Global Research Council 75
glossary 189–191
grant programmes 102
see also National Competitive Grants Programme
guiding principles of ARC 2
Harvey, Leanne iii, 81, 81
Harmony Day 95
Health and wellbeing, see workplace health and safety
history, of ARC 10
human research ethics application 74
ICT services 180
Australian Government ICT sustainability plan 180–81
Indigenous staff 94
Individual Flexibility Arrangements 96
Industrial Transformation Research Hubs 18, 28, 31, 157
Industrial Transformation Research Programme 28, 30, 32, 36, 38, 69, 163
see also Industrial Transformation Research Hubs; Industrial Transformation Training Centres
Industrial Transformation Training Centres 18, 24, 28,157
Information Communication Technology services, sustainability of 180–1
Information Publication Scheme 102
internal audit 87
international applicants 24, 127
international collaboration 34–5, 42, 165–6
International Ocean Discovery Program 35
judicial decisions 92
juvenile diabetes 36
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 38
Learned Academies Special Projects 158
learning and development 98–9
legislation, see individual acts
letter of transmittal iii
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities, description of 157
Linkage Programme 18, 19, 157–8, 160–1
Linkage Projects, description of 158
L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Fellowships 168
mandatory reporting in Annual Reports 102–3, 176–81
market research 176
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 76
ministerial directions iii
Minister for Education and Training, see Birmingham, Simon
mission statement of ARC 2
Multicultural Action Plan 95
NAIDOC week, ARC participation in 95
National Academy of Inventors Fellows 168
National Competitive Grants Programme 4, 18–xx, 76, 156–66
case studies 42–58
committees 85–6
deliverables 18
description 18
funding schemes 156–8
performance 19–58, 162–66
performance trends 162–6
statistics 159–161
see also Discovery Programme; Linkage Programme
National Health and Medical Research Council 5, 11, 38, 68, 84
National ICT Australia 36
National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network 36
National Innovation and Science Agenda 4, 7
National Research Priorities 37
see also Strategic Research Priorities and Science and Research Priorities
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 74
non-compliance with finance law 91
non-salary benefits 98
notices under WHS Act 177
notifiable incidents 177
operational Plan 87
organisational structure 12
Outcome 13, 16
expenses and resources 171–3
programme structure 13
parliamentary committees 92
people management 94–101
performance 4–6
Purpose 1: Managing research funding schemes 19–58, 162–66
Purpose 2: Measuring research excellence 60–7
Purpose 3: Providing policy
advice 69–75
financial, see financial performance
performance framework 13
performance pay 97
planning 86–7
policy advice 5
case studies 72–5
delivery, highlights 68
description 68
performance 69–71
Portfolio Budget Statements 87
Prime Minister’s Science Prizes 169
priorities, see National Research Priorities; Strategic Research Priorities; Science and Research Priorities
prizes and awards 167–170
productivity gains 99
Programmes 13
outcome and programme structure 13
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 iii, 16, 82, 86, 87, 88, 91
Public Service Act 1999 96
purchasing 100
purposes, of ARC 13, 16
Reconciliation Action Plan 95
remuneration, of senior executive service staff 91
reporting 86–7
Research Evaluation Committees 84–5
Research Management System 5, 7, 76
research students 26
ethical conduct 89–90
prizes and awards to 167–170
training and career opportunities 24–8
resource statements 171–3
Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements 4, 7, 69
risk management 88
role and functions of the ARC 10–11
safe and healthy work environment 176–7
salaries 97
Science of Learning Research Centre 36
Science and Research Priorities 7, 37, 66
Scrutiny Committee, ERA 85
Scrutiny Committee, NCGP 86
Section 24(1) determinations 96
Selection Advisory Committees, NCGP 85
Senior Management Group 83
senior staff 80
see also Executive staff
Simms, Professor Marian 81, 81
small business procurement 101
Special Research Initiatives 36, 158, 161
see also Antarctic Gateway; Boosting Dementia Research; National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network; Science of Learning Research Centre; Stem Cells Australia; Australian Synchrotron; Tropical Health and Medicine; juvenile diabetes
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander 94
classification levels 174
diversity 95
employment arrangements 96–8
Enterprise Agreement 2011–14 96
ethical conduct 89
executive staff 80–1
gender, by employment level 174
remuneration 91, 97
retention and turnover 94
separations by employment level 94, 175
senior staff 80
statistics 94, 174–5
training and development 98–9
workplace health and safety 99
stakeholders 11
stakeholder engagement 5
State of the Service census 98,
State Scientists of the Year 169
Stem Cells Australia 36
Strategic Research Priorities 37
Streamlining Grants Administration Programme 7
study assistance 99
tables, list of 185
training and development 98–9
Tropical Health and Medicine 36
vision statement of ARC 2
website ii, 5
Workforce Diversity Programme 95
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 99
workforce planning 94
workplace health and safety 99
Young Tall Poppy Science Awards 169