6.1 Financial statements

This section provides:

  • the Auditor’s report
  • the ARC financial statements for the financial period ended 30 June 2017.

Auditor’s report

A report from the Delegate of the Auditor General, Jocelyn Ashford, to the Minister for Education and Training dated 6 September 2017. 
The report details the Delegate’s Opinion and Basis for Opinion, the Accountable Authority’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements, and the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements.

Financial statements

A report from the Delegate of the Auditor General, Jocelyn Ashford, to the Minister for Education and Training dated 6 September 2017. 
The report details the Delegate’s Opinion and Basis for Opinion, the Accountable Authority’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements, and the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements. part 2 Contents
Primary financial statement including:
	-	Statement of Comprehensive Income
	-	Statement of Financial Position
	-	Statement of Changes in Equity
	-	Cash Flow Statement
	-	Administered Schedule of Comprehensive Income
	-	Administered Schedule of Assets and Liabilities
	-	Administered Reconciliation Schedule
	-	Administered Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the financial statements
	1.	Departmental Financial Performance
	1.2.Own-Source Revenue and Gains
	2.	Income and Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government
2.1	Administered – Expenses
2.2	Administered – Income
3.	Departmental Financial Position
3.1	Financial Assets
3.2	Non-Financial Assets
3.3	Payables
3.4	Interest Bearing Liabilities
3.5	Other Provisions
4.	Assets and Liabilities Administered on Behalf of Government
4.1	Administered – Financial Assets
4.2	Administered – Non-Financial Assets
4.3	Administered - Payables
5.	Funding
5.1	Appropriations
5.2	Special Account
5.3	Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements
6.	People and relationships
6.1	Employee Provisions
6.2	Key Management Personnel Remuneration
6.3	Related Party Disclosures
7.	Managing uncertainties
7.1	Contingent Assets and Liabilities
7.2	Financial Instruments
7.3	Administered – Financial Instruments
7.4	Fair Value Measurement
7.5	Administered – Fair Value Measurement Australian Research Council
Statement by the Accountability Authority and Chief Financial Officer
In our opinion, the attached financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2017 comply with subsection 42(2) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), and are based on properly maintained financial records as per subsection 41(2) of the PGPA Act.
In our opinion, at the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Australian Research Council (ARC) will be able to pay its debts as and they fall due.
Signed by Sue Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
5 September 2017
Signed by Luke Cattle
Acting Chief Financial Officer
5 September 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the period ended 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Budget Variances Commentary of the Statement of Financial Position A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Statement of Changes in Equity for the period ended 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Cash Flow Statament for the period ended 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Administered Schedule of COmprehnsive Income for the period ended 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Administered Schedule of Assets and Liabilities as at 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Administered Reconciliation Schedule A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Administered Cash Flow Statement for the period ended 30 June 2017 A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Overview A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Finanical Performance Part 1.1 Expenses A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Finanical Performance Part 1.1 Expenses continued A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Finanical Performance Part 1.1 Expenses continued... A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Finanical Performance Part 1.2 Own Source Revenue and Gains A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Income and Expenses Administered on Behalf of the Government part 2.1 Administered - Expenses A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Income and Expenses Administered on Behalf of the Government part 2.2 Administered - Income A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Financial Position part 3.1 Financial Assets A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Financial Position part 3.2 Non-Financial Assets A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Financial Position part 3.2 Non-Financial Assets continued A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Financial Position part 3.3 Payables A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Financial Position part 3.5 Other Provisions A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Assets and Liabilities Administered on Behalf of the Government part 4.1 Administered - Financial Assets A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Assets and Liabilities Administered on Behalf of the Government part 4.2 Administered - Non-Financial Assets A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Assets and Liabilities Administered on Behalf of the Government part 4.3 Administered - Payables A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Funding 5.1 Appropriations A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Funding 5.1 Appropriations continued A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Funding 5.1 Appropriations continued... A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Funding 5.2 Special Account A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Funding 5.3 Net Cash Appropriation Arrangements A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 6.1 Employee Provisions A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 6.2 Key Management Personnel Remuneration A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 6.3 Related Party Disclosures A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the Managing Uncertainties part 7.1 Contingent Assets and Liabilities A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 7.2 Financial Instruments A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 7.2 Financial Instruments continued A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 7.2 Administered - Financial Instruments A scanned page of the Australian Research Council’s 2016-17 financial statements showing the People and Relationships part 7.4 Fair Value Management Scanned pages of the ARC’s financial statements showing the text 'this page intentionally left blank