Abbreviations and acronyms

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
AIIM Australian Institute for Innovative Materials
AITHM Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine
ANAO Australian National Audit Office
ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
APS Australian Public Service
APSC Australian Public Service Commission
ARC Australian Research Council
ARC Act Australian Research Council Act 2001
ARIC Australian Research Integrity Committee
AWA Australian Workplace Agreement
BSB Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CNBP ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics
CP corporate plan
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
DE Discovery Early Career Researcher Award scheme
DECRA Discovery Early Career Researcher Award scheme
DP Discovery Projects scheme
EGM Executive General Manager
EI Engagement and Impact
EOI expression of interest
ERA Excellence in Research for Australia
ESD ecologically sustainable development
ESIA Ear Science Institute Australia
FGR First Graphite Resources
FL Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme
FOI Act Freedom of Information Act 1982
FoR Field of Research
FT Future Fellowships scheme
GQD graphene quantum dot
GST Goods and Services Tax
HCA Humanities and Creative Arts
HDR higher degree by research
HREA Human Research Ethics Application
ICT information and communications technology
IFA Individual Flexibility Agreements
IN Discovery Indigenous scheme
IPS Information Publication Scheme
IT information technology
ITRH Industrial Transformation Research Hubs scheme
ITRP Industrial Transformation Research Program
ITTC Industrial Transformation Training Centres scheme
JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
LIEF Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities scheme
LP Linkage Projects scheme
NABERS National Australian Building Environment Rating System
NCGP National Competitive Grants Program
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NISA National Innovation and Science Agenda
NOx nitrogen oxide
ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID
PBS Portfolio Budget Statements
PGPA Act Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
PGPA Rule Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Plan Fraud Control Plan
PRaDA Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis
PS Act Public Service Act 1999
PSEMIS Physical Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics and Information Sciences
RMS Research Management System
ROPE Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence
SABRE Sodium iodide with Active Background REjection
SBE Social, Behavioural and Economic sciences
SES Senior Executive Service
SME Small to Medium Enterprises
SMG Senior Management Group
SOx sulphur oxides
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
TEPO Trace Elements in Past Oceans
UA Universities Australia
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNSW The University of New South Wales
UOW University of Wollongong
UTAS University of Tasmania
UWA The University of Western Australia
WA Western Australia
WHS work health and safety
WHS Act Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Commonwealth)