5.5 Purchasing

The ARC’s approach to purchasing is consistent with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. The Commonwealth Procurement Rules represent the Australian Government’s policy framework under which agencies govern and undertake procurement. The key rules are:

  • value for money
  • encouraging competition
  • efficient, effective, economical and ethical procurement
  • accountability and transparency in procurement
  • procurement risk
  • procurement method.

Detailed policy and procedures relating to procurement are also set out in the ARC Accountable Authority Instructions and other specific policy and procedure guides (such as those for travel and use of Commonwealth credit cards), all of which are reviewed periodically and updated as required.

The Finance Section has overall responsibility for procurement within the ARC. Finance Section staff provide information and training about procurement policies and procedures as required.

The ARC publishes information on proposed procurements in the ARC’s procurement plan, available from the AusTender website. This plan gives potential suppliers early notice of significant planned procurements for the coming year. All procurements over $10,000 are published on AusTender.