2024 Laureate Profile: Professor Michael Ward

Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney
Fellowship Project Summary
FL240100037 - Defining the wild-domestic animal interface and microbial spillover risk
Professor Ward aims to utilise case studies across an array of contexts to generate a new understanding of the wild domestic animal interface (i.e.,the points of contact between wild and domestic animals) to allow advanced assessment of the risk of microbial spillover. By establishing an advanced assessment framework, this project will create resilience to the risks associated with microbial transmission and dissemination such as threatening the health and productivity of livestock; undermining ecosystems; stressing food security in remote Indigenous communities; and creating a pandemic threat to society. Professor Ward’s work will be nationally and globally promoted through a new collaborating centre, which will embed key finding into accessible software, designed in consultation with stakeholders so they are able to undertake specific risk assessments of interest easily and validly with their own data.
Australian Research Council Funding: $3,662,360