2024 Laureate Profile: Professor Sharon Robinson

Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong
Fellowship Project Summary
FL240100032 - Islands in the Ice: Interpreting the future of Antarctic ecosystems
Professor Robinson aims to better understand polar regions by combining data from key locations around the Antarctic continent to determine how vegetation in ice-free, coastal areas has responded to recent climate change. This project will provide the toolkit for the terrestrial component of a proposed observing system for East Antarctica, which will become the foundation for a whole-of-continent observing system. Professor Robinson’s research will link past changes in climate to current ecosystem health and harness technological innovations to model future risks for Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. Research outcomes will include: 1) innovative and interdisciplinary methods that will enable non-destructive real-time monitoring of Antarctic ecosystem health (incorporating advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and smart drone platforms); 2) identification of biodiversity most at risk; and 3) strategies to protect and/or remediate at-risk ecosystems. This project will allow Antarctica’s Environmental Managers to assess the health of these unique plant communities and provide scientifically evaluated plans for protection and management of biodiversity, enabling Australia to deliver on its State of the Environment and International Antarctic Treaty obligations. It will ensure that Australia reclaims the lead in delivering impactful Antarctic terrestrial biology and world-leading understanding and protection of unique global ecosystems.
Australian Research Council Funding: $3,307,820