Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

Discovery Indigenous

Fact Sheet (PDF 247KB)

Visit the following pages for information on recently announced grant outcomes under the Discovery Indigenous scheme:

The ARC is committed to reconciliation, and to supporting and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Discovery Indigenous scheme provides grant funding to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers to:

  • expand knowledge base and research capacity in Australia, and
  • economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia.

Discovery Indigenous projects:

  • support the retention of excellent Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers in higher education institutions to expand research capacity in Australia; 
  • support excellent pure basic, strategic basic and applied research and research training, across all disciplines excluding clinical and other medical research, by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers as individuals and as teams; 
  • enhance the scale and focus of research in Australian Government priority areas and create economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and 
  • support national and international research collaboration.

Key Documents and Information for the Discovery Indigenous 2026

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