Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

New ARC Policy Statement on Experimental Development

New ARC Policy Statement on Experimental Development

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For all NCGP schemes opening after 1 July 2024, the ARC has updated its scheme documentation to reflect the exclusion of experimental development in the amended Australian Research Council Act 2001.

For applicants: each scheme form will ask the following mandatory question “Will ARC funds awarded under this Scheme be used for activities classified as ‘experimental development’ according to the definition in the Grant Guidelines?

For administering organisations: the certification provided by the Deputy/Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) or their delegate or equivalent in the Administering Organisation will include an additional clause stating that: ‘This application complies with the eligible research requirements set out in the ARC Experimental Development Policy, located on the ARC website’.

For further information: ARC’s Policy Statement on Experimental Development. Information will also be provided during Scheme Opening Information Sessions with Research Office staff for upcoming scheme rounds. 

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