Policy setting: Chief Investigator – Project Leader
Policy setting: Chief Investigator – Project Leader

The ARC has considered the impact of a change in the recent guidelines for Discovery and Linkage where the Chief Investigator – Project Leader cannot be an honorary academic appointment. Following the consideration of feedback and advice, the ARC has amended the policy setting to allow for a researcher to lead a project as an honorary academic if the Administering Organisation confirms that they have appropriate arrangements in place to manage their governance risks. Appropriate management of governance risk for the Administering Organisation was the intent of the change - therefore, where a Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (or equivalent) is able to manage and accept that risk, this criteria will be considered to be met.
In implementing this policy change, RMS has now been updated to allow a researcher who holds an honorary academic appointment at the Administering Organisation to be the Project Leader.
Additionally, in certifying the submission of an application all three application forms for Discovery Projects 2023, Linkage Projects 2022 and Linkage, Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities 2023 have been updated with an additional certification point. The DVCR is required to confirm in certifying the application that appropriate administrative controls are in place to manage all governance risks should a participant with an honorary academic appointment for eligibility purposes act as the Project Leader for the duration of the project.
Further to the above, this change will also be reflected for all three schemes in the Instructions to Applicants, Frequently Asked Questions and Grant Agreements. Updated versions of this documentation will be uploaded on GrantConnect in the coming days.