Release of the 2025-26 National Competitive Grants Program Scheme Calendar
Release of the 2025-26 National Competitive Grants Program Scheme Calendar

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has released the 2025-26 National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) Scheme Calendar, providing indicative timings to support planning for participants and research administrators.
The 2025-26 Scheme calendar has been optimised to better distribute application and assessment periods, reducing peak workload pressures. In the event of a change to the scheme calendar, the ARC will provide as much notice as is possible. The ARC will work to ensure that any changes in scheme timing do not disadvantage participants, including in relation to eligibility.
The ARC is also undertaking a Policy Review of NCGP which will inform the future of ARC schemes. Further information on other schemes, including the transition to a revised NCGP will be shared following finalisation of the Policy Review.
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