Update to detailed and general assessor declaration processes in RMS
Update to detailed and general assessor declaration processes in RMS

The Australian Research Council has implemented a simple but effective change to maintain the responsible conduct of research in our Research Management System (RMS).
To ensure that all detailed and general assessors have completed declarations relating to their foreign affiliations in RMS, a mandatory validation will now appear asking assessors to confirm that the information in their profile is up to date and correct. This validation must be completed for assessors to be able to undertake assessments of applications.
Assessors are only required to be complete this declaration once per scheme round. If an assessor is assigned to multiple rounds, they must confirm their declaration for each round, which RMS will prompt them to do. The required information can be entered through the Personal Details section of users’ RMS profiles. The process is simple to complete.
If a researcher is not assigned any applications, they will not be prompted to update their RMS profile (outside of applying for a grant).
Information on these changes is being incorporated into the ARC’s Assessor Handbooks and the RMS User Guide for Assessors.
This change is also reflected in the ARC Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy.