
Glossary and Appendices

Appendix 1 – Eligible Institutions

Australian higher education institutions eligible to participate in ERA 2015 are defined as Table A and B providers listed in the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

Australian Catholic University

Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education

Bond University

Central Queensland University

Charles Darwin University

Charles Sturt University

Curtin University of Technology

Deakin University

Edith Cowan University

Flinders University

Griffith University

James Cook University

La Trobe University

Macquarie University

MCD University of Divinity1

Monash University

Murdoch University

Queensland University of Technology

RMIT University

Southern Cross University

Swinburne University of Technology

The Australian National University

The University of Adelaide

The University of Melbourne

The University of New England

The University of New South Wales

University of Newcastle

The University of Notre Dame Australia

The University of Queensland

The University of Sydney

The University of the Sunshine Coast

The University of Western Australia

University of Ballarat2

University of Canberra

University of South Australia

University of Southern Queensland

University of Tasmania (incorporating Australian Maritime College)

University of Technology, Sydney

University of Western Sydney

University of Wollongong

Victoria University

1 Currently known as the University of Divinity

2 Currently known as Federation University Australia