Section 1
National ERA Volume at a Glance
The table below presents a summary, by discipline, of the number of UoEs assessed and the volume of research outputs submitted to ERA 2015. With the exception of the assessed UoEs column, the two-digit information presented is the aggregate of the corresponding four-digit data.
The following table can be found on page 28 – 34 in the printed report. Available as an Excel spreadsheet (below) or PDF of this section (bottom of page).
* All two-digit FoR codes shown in this table are aggregates of the four-digit FoR codes below, with the exception of the ‘Assessed UoEs’ column which are the actual values at the two-digit FoR code level.
** One book is equivalent to five research outputs in ERA 2015 for the calculation of low volume threshold for relevant disciplines.
*** Triadic patents count as three patents in the Total.
For each two- and four-digit FoR the following summary information is provided:
- Assessed UoEs
The number of UoEs assessed in ERA 2015 which met the low volume threshold. - Research Outputs
The total number of apportioned research outputs (all research output types) submitted to ERA 2015. - Weighted Research Outputs
The total number of research outputs (all research output types) submitted to ERA 2015. For the purposes of calculating the low volume threshold for peer review disciplines, one book was equivalent to five research outputs. Only peer review disciplines (where weighting was applied) are shown in this column. - Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) Research Income
The total amount of research income across HERDC Categories 1–4 research income (in Australian dollars) submitted to ERA 2015. - FTEs
The total number of Full-Time Equivalent staff (FTE) submitted to ERA 2015 (as of the staff census date of 31 March 2014). - Esteem
The total number of esteem measures submitted to ERA 2015. - Patents Granted
The total number of patents submitted to ERA 2015. - Research Commercialisation Income
The total amount of research commercialisation income (in Australian dollars) submitted to ERA 2015.