Section 1
Employment Function
The function of an eligible researcher describes the general type of work which they have formally agreed with the institution to undertake. For ERA purposes, the function of an eligible researcher can be described only as ‘Research Only’, ‘Teaching and Research’, or ‘Other Function’:
- Research Only–this function involves undertaking only research work or providing technical or professional research assistance, or the management and leadership of research staff and of staff who support research staff. There may be limited other work (e.g. participation in the development of postgraduate courses and supervision of postgraduate students). This definition is to be interpreted as having the same content as the HESDC definition of ‘A Research Only function’.
- Teaching and Research–in addition to the activities undertaken in the Research Only function, this function also involves undertaking teaching and associated activities (including lecturing, group or individual tutoring, preparation of teaching materials, supervision of students, marking, and preparation for the foregoing activities), or the management and leadership of teaching staff and research staff and persons who support such staff. This definition is to be interpreted as having the same content as the HESDC definition of ‘A Teaching and Research Function’.
- Other Function–functions other than ‘Research Only’ or ‘Teaching and Research’. A researcher whose function is ‘Teaching Only’ who has produced one or more submitted research outputs should be classified as ‘Other Function’. This definition is to be interpreted as having the same content as the combined HESDC definitions of ‘A Teaching Only Function’ and ‘An Other Function’3.
In the case of a staff member holding multiple functions within an institution, the institution has chosen the most applicable function to submit.
The first chart shows the apportioned headcount for two-digit FoRs of all staff submitted to ERA 2015 by institutions and includes the employed, employed casual and other employment types.
The second chart shows the percentage distribution for two-digit apportioned headcount of all staff by employment function. It is ordered by ‘Research Only’ employment function. The two-digit FoR codes with the highest proportion of Research Only staff are 06 Biological Sciences (42 per cent), 02 Physical Sciences (41 per cent) and 03 Chemical Sciences (41 per cent).
Two-digit apportioned headcount of all staff by employment function

Percentage distribution two-digit apportioned headcount of all staff by employment function