Section 1
Comparison of ERA 2010, ERA 2012 and ERA 2015
Percentage changes between 2012 and 2015

Number of outputs, applied and esteem measures in the three ERA rounds
The following table provides an overview of the types and volume of research outputs, applied measures (excluding income) and esteem measures submitted to ERA 2010, ERA 2012 and ERA 2015.1
Traditional research outputs (books, book chapters, journal articles and conference publications) apply to all disciplines. In ERA 2015 there is a new category of non-traditional research outputs, entitled ‘research report for an external body’ which applies to all disciplines. Other non-traditional outputs (curated or exhibited event, live performance, original creative work, recorded/rendered work) and portfolios only apply to some disciplines.2
There has been an increase in the number of traditional research outputs over the three ERA time periods, particularly journal articles. This may have been influenced by a number of factors, such as additional journals included in the 2015 ERA Submission Journal List resulting in more articles being eligible for ERA; improvements in institutions’ data collection practices; and an increase in the number of full-time equivalent staff (FTE) employed in the higher education research system.
Research Outputs* |
2010 |
2012 |
2015 |
Traditional outputs |
Book |
4,912 |
5,270 |
5,488 |
Book chapter |
34,755 |
39,597 |
45,269 |
Journal article |
206,816 |
286,637 |
301,499 |
Conference publication |
73,741 |
72,977 |
69,610 |
Non-traditional outputs |
Curated or exhibited event |
750 |
777 |
753 |
Live performance |
1,807 |
821 |
913 |
Original creative work |
9,052 |
6,026 |
5,244 |
Recorded/rendered work |
1,260 |
790 |
727 |
Research report for an external body |
- |
- |
2,453 |
Portfolio of non-traditional research outputs |
374 |
583 |
791 |
333,467 |
413,477 |
432,747 |
Applied measures |
NHMRC Endorsed Guidelines |
49 |
50 |
64 |
Patents |
671 |
781 |
936 |
Registered designs |
1 |
0 |
7 |
Plant Breeder’s Rights |
31 |
39 |
30 |
Esteem measures |
Editor of a prestigious work of reference |
34 |
48 |
57 |
Membership of a learned academy or AIATSIS |
1,038 |
1,287 |
1,416 |
Recipient of a Nationally Competitive Research Fellowship |
2,566 |
2,729 |
3,120 |
Membership of a statutory committee |
332 |
366 |
262 |
Recipient of an Australia Council Grant or Fellowship |
75 |
56 |
84 |
* Totals are as reported in the respective ERA national reports, please note the algorithm for removing duplicated outputs has been refined between ERA rounds.
**Output types within portfolios are not included in the total.
Trends in indexed journal articles in the three ERA rounds
The following chart presents the yearly volume of indexed journal articles in each of the three ERA rounds to date: ERA 2010, ERA 2012 and ERA 2015. In ERA 2010, eligible institutions submitted a total of 22,483 unique indexed journal articles for the year 2003. In ERA 2015, eligible institutions submitted a total of 50,646 unique indexed journal articles for the year 2013 – a more than doubling in volume.
Since the algorithm for removing output duplication is refined between ERA rounds, the chart focusses on indexed journal articles. Indexed journal articles have a unique article identifier which allows the most accurate removal of duplicates and therefore enables comparisons across ERA rounds.
Volume of unique indexed journal articles: three ERA rounds

Note: There are some differences in the number of indexed journal articles for the overlap years between ERA rounds, this may be due to staff entering or leaving the system, changes in eligible research outputs, etc.
1 Section 4 provides a more detailed breakdown of research outputs submitted to ERA 2015.
2 See ERA 2015 Discipline Matrix (opens in new window).