Section 2
Section 2 provides a summary of ERA 2015 data at the two-digit Fields of Research (FoR) level for research outputs, HERDC income, staffing, esteem and applied measures. A detailed breakdown of all these indicators at the two-digit and four-digit levels is shown in Section 4 of this report.
Research Outputs
All 41 eligible higher education institutions submitted research outputs for evaluation to ERA 2015. Over 430,000 outputs across 157 four-digit Fields of Research (FoR) codes were submitted. The majority of the outputs were journal articles (70 per cent) followed by conference papers (16 per cent). Non-traditional research outputs (NTRO) constituted approximately three per cent of the outputs submitted to ERA 2015. See Section 4 for a detailed breakdown.
Research outputs by type – all submitted outputs

Research outputs by type by two-digit FoR code