Section 1: Additonal Reporting on ERA 2015
In ERA 2015, institutions were required to submit gender data for each eligible researcher. The gender of the eligible researcher was provided as either ‘Male’, ‘Female’, or ‘Other’.
Gender data were collected for aggregate reporting and internal ARC analysis only, this information was not provided to peer reviewers or Research Evaluation Committees (RECs) and was not used as part of the ERA 2015 evaluation process.
The following two charts show the number of FTE staff by gender by two-digit Fields of Research, and FTE staff by gender by employment level.
Number of FTE staff by gender by two-digit FoR code
The chart below shows the number of FTE staff working in eligible institutions by two-digit Fields of Research.

Note: Only 15.8 FTE staff were reported as ‘other’ by institutions, these do not appear on the chart due to the scale.
Number of FTE staff by gender by employment level
The following chart shows the number of FTE staff by gender by academic level and includes the levels collected for ERA purposes, academic levels A-E and ‘other’ employment level:
- Level A – Tutor/Associate Lecturer
- Level B – Lecturer
- Level C – Senior Lecturer
- Level D – Reader/Associate Professor
- Level E – Professor
- ‘Other’, as an employment category, represents staff members who are employed at a eligible institution, which includes: teaching only, administrative staff and contractors to the university who are not classified as academic level A-E.
The employment level with the highest number of both males and females for FTE staff was Level B.

Note: Only 15.8 FTE staff were reported as ‘other’ by institutions, these do not appear on the chart due to the scale.