NCGP Trends: International Collaboration
Applications for ARC funding indicate whether the project intends to collaborate internationally. On this page, you can view data relating to ARC funded research which involve international collaboration. Data is available for projects funded by the ARC since 2002. See ‘Understanding the Data’ for information on forms of international collaboration.
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To note: only includes announced grants.
Understanding the Data
What does international collaboration mean in this visualisation?
Applications for ARC funding are required to indicate whether the project intends to collaborate internationally, and the nature of the collaboration. The types of international collaboration include face-to-face meetings, correspondence such as emails and phone calls, attending or hosting a conference, collaborative fieldwork, hosting an international collaborator, or travelling to an international collaborator.
The data displayed is based on the information provided in the application form. The data does not include any variations that may have been made to the project after funding approval.
How is international collaboration measured?
An individual ARC funded research project may involve collaboration with more than one country. This means that some research projects are counted more than once. When this occurs it is referred to as an instance.
When a project is only counted once, it is referred to as a unique project.
The titles of the graphs and tables state whether the data shown relates to instances or unique projects. The total number of instances of international collaboration will be greater than the total number of unique projects.
For more information explaining the data you can see in this visualisation, please see the Notes tab. For more information about our methodology, see the Methodology & Data Notes.
While due care has been taken in its preparation, the ARC cannot guarantee and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency, completeness or interpretation of the information.