New Industry Fellowships to fuel research in industry
New Industry Fellowships to fuel research in industry

31 August 2022
New Industry Fellowships to fuel research in industry
The Australian Research Council (ARC) is pleased to announce the launch of Industry Fellowships, an innovative programme to tackle critical challenges in industry. Opening in September, the $215 million package will support researchers moving between industry and academic research settings.
Over four years, each annual round will support up to 83 Industry Fellows in early, mid- and senior career roles to explore opportunities in both industry and academia for research collaboration, translation, and commercialisation.
ARC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Judi Zielke PSM, said that the schemes will increase the strategic engagement and alignment between universities and industry.
“The program will support industry-based researchers to partner with a university and university-based researchers to partner with a key industry partner - a company, government entity, or charity,” Ms Zielke said.
“Australia can only benefit from a boost to the amount of research and development done in an industry setting, and that’s one of the aims of the Industry Fellowships.
“These new schemes are an exciting opportunity for Australian-based researchers from within industry, and from universities, to work with industry on industry-defined challenges.
“The schemes will support researchers who are translating and transferring research skills and knowledge into real world applications with commercial and other benefits.
“The ARC has worked hard to make these schemes accessible to researchers with an industry background, to break down the barriers that exist between research conducted in an industry setting, and that based in universities.”
Industry Fellowships will also support senior researchers to supervise and nurture the next generation of research talent in an industry setting.
“I am excited about the potential of these schemes to really change the shape of the research landscape in Australia,” Ms Zielke said.
Grant Guidelines for the three schemes have now been published on GrantConnect. Key dates for the schemes are published on the ARC’s Grant Calendar. Further information about the schemes can be found on the ARC website.
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