Simpler National Interest Test (NIT) statement will help researchers
Simpler National Interest Test (NIT) statement will help researchers

30 November 2022
Simpler National Interest Test (NIT) statement will help researchers
Following extensive engagement and consultation with the research sector, the Australian Research Council (ARC) has simplified the National Interest Test (NIT) statement.
There will be two key steps. Deputy Vice Chancellors Research will certify the NIT statement, confirming that the statement clearly and simply explains the benefit of the research to Australia. In addition, the NIT statement will now be used by assessors when they are considering the benefit and impact of the proposed research in the ARC peer assessment process.
The NIT was introduced in 2018 to demonstrate to the public the potential economic, commercial, environmental, social, or cultural benefits of a research proposal and to inform the Australian taxpayer about the value of their investment in publicly funded research.
ARC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Judi Zielke PSM, said the NIT explains the national benefits that will potentially flow from ARC funded research.
“The NIT changes will significantly reduce the administrative burden for researchers and universities and will make it clearer, simpler, and easier to understand for the public.” Ms Zielke said.
“It will now be much easier for researchers to show how their research will improve the lives of Australians – by environmental outcomes, advancing the lives of Indigenous Australians, or developing innovative ways to meet the economic and social challenges facing the nation.
“The simplified NIT supports and reflects the value of applied research and fundamental ‘blue-sky’ research, which benefit Australians now and into the future, including through strengthening our national knowledge base.”
The changes to the NIT are not retrospective and will apply to programs opening from 1 December 2022.
Full information on the changes to the National Interest Test statement is available on the ARC’s website.
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