

In 2015, the Australian Research Council (ARC) conducted the third full Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation. The evaluation collected data regarding the quality of research activity undertaken at all eligible higher education research institutions1 within the ERA 2015 reference period. These data were then evaluated by eight Research Evaluation Committees (RECs), established at a discipline cluster level, and comprised of distinguished and internationally-recognised researchers with expertise in research evaluation.2

This National Report provides an overview of the data collected and the outcomes of the ERA 2015 evaluation process.

Objectives of ERA

ERA aims to identify and promote excellence across the full spectrum of research activity, including both discovery and applied research, within Australian higher education institutions.

The objectives of ERA are to:

  1. establish an evaluation framework that gives government, industry, business and the wider community assurance of the excellence of research conducted in Australia’s higher education institutions
  2. provide a national stocktake of discipline-level areas of research strength and areas where there is opportunity for development in Australia’s higher education institutions
  3. identify excellence across the full spectrum of research performance
  4. identify emerging research areas and opportunities for further development
  5. allow for comparisons of Australia’s research nationally and internationally for all discipline areas.

1 See Appendix 1 for a list of eligible institutions.

2 List of ERA 2015 REC members (opens in new window).